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the author of Dwellers in (lothaiu ; The House That Jiiek Built; and The Mystery is

of Miriam. in

Johnston, John, soldier, artist, was born 17o2 in Boston, Mass. He served with

credit in the revolution; and afterward settled in Boston, where he painted many portraits of public men ot Massachusetts. He died .Jan. 27, 1818, in Boston, Mass.

Johnston, John, merchant, pioneer, was born in 17U3 in Ireland. He settled al»out 171)4 in Sttult Sainte Marie, Mich., where he was a frontier merchant for more than forty years; and there established a sniall center of civilization in the midst of the wivages. He died in 1834 in Sault .Sainte Marie, Mich. Johnston, John, soldier, Indian agent,






.March, (Jen.







He his

campaign against the northwestern Indians in Ohio in 17!l2-<.):i; and was clerk in the war department and agent for Indian afFor eleven years fairs thirty-one years. he was a canal-commissioner for Ohio, and he served throughout the war of 1812 as paymaster and quartermaster. In 1H41-42 be was commissioner to treat with the Ohio He was presiIndians for their removal. dent of the Historical and phihisophieal soHis account of the Indian of Ohi«j appears in the 5th volume of the American Aniic|uarian .Society's ColHe died April 1!». 1801, in Washlections. ington, n.c. Johnston, John, e»lucator. author, was

ciety of Ohio. 'I'rilM's

In 1837-73 he was in 18(1(1 in Maine. professor of natural science in «'sleyan He was the author of Manual university. of CliemiHtry: .Manual of Natural I'hilosophy; and History of the Towns of Bristol He died Dec. 2, and Bremen in .Maine. I87!>. on Staf«n Island. N.V. Ixtrn

Johnston, John Alexander, soldier, was In born Felt. 22. 1S.'»S, in .Mleghenv. I'a. I87!> he graduated from W«'st Tuint militarv acadi'mv. In 1887-01 he was instructor in

history. law,





the inaugural para<les of Presidents Cleveland and McKinley and others. During the Spanisli-Ameri<'an war he was in cliarge of llie grneral recruiting service in the I'nited States army; and in 1JM)3 was retired from scrviiT as Itrigaiiier gfueral. Johnston, John Black, zoologist, educator, author, was born Oct. 3. 18(i8, in Bill Ce/Ire. Ohio. In IS!»3 1!MH» he was an instructor in the university of Michigan; in 1907 professor of zoology in tin- university of West Virginia; and since 11»07 has l)een assistant professor of neurology at the luiiversity nf Minnesota. Hi- is the author of The Nervon- System of Vetebrates. ,

Johnston, John Humphreys, painter, artist, iMtrn Nov. 2. IH."i7. in N«'w York City. In ISO!> he went to Paris, where he sfndied under Lefelivre and Doucet and later opened a studio in Venice. Among his paintings


are Light Nights in Norway; Vision of St. I'aul at Lystra. Johnston, John Taylor, lawyer, railroad president, capitalist, was born April 8, 1820, in New York City. In 1848 he l)ecame president of the Central railroad of New Jersey. He was also president of the council of the He university of the City of New York. died March 24. IS'.»3. in New York City. Johnston, John W., lawyer, jurist. United States senator, was lK>rn Sept. fl, 1818. in He was educatiMl in AbingPanicello, Va. ilon academy and the South Carolina college. He .".tudied law at the university of Virginia; ami in 183i) was admitted to For two years he was commonpractice. wealth attorney of Tawwell county; and in I84(i-48 he was a member of the Virginia state senate. In |8')(»-.5!) he was pretiident of the Northwestern bank at .leirersonville, Va. He was eU-eted judge of the tenth judicial and circuit courts of Virginia. In l8ril)-83 he was a nu-mln'r of the Unit«I Stjites senate from Virginia. He died Feb. 27, 1889, ill Biehinond. Va. Johnston, John Warfield, lawyer, jurist, I'nited States senator, was born Sept. 9, 1818, in -•l)ingd«m. Va. In 1839 he became judge of the tenth judicial district of VirHe was Cnited .States senator in ginia. 1870-83. He «lied Feb. 27, 1889, in Richmond, Va. Johnston, John Wesley, clergyman, autlior. Since 1902 he has lK>en pastor of the .lohn stn'et church of New York City. He is the author of Dwellers in (Jothani; The Cri'ck and the Prayer; The Baptism of Fire;

and The House Tliat .Tack Built. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, soldier, congressman, author, was l>orn F«'b. 3, 1807, in In 1861 he entered the conand served throughout the most ilistinguisbed generals. He was general in etunmand at VMcksburg, Fair Oaks. ,Iackson, and Kenesaw .Mt. In 1879-81 he was a representative from Virginia to the forty-sixth congress. In 188.') he was appointed commissioner of railroads in the department of the interior at Washington. He was the author of A Norrative of Military Operations, a spirited defense of his militarv policy. He died March 21, 1891, in Washington, D.C.

Long>vood, Va.

fe<|eratc service


war as

onr' of the

Johnston, Joseph Forney, soldier. lawyer, banker, governor, I'nited .States senator, was born in 1843 in Lincoln county. N.C. In 18Gl-t»;) he served in the confe<lerate army from private to captain; and was four times wounded. In 1800-84 he practiced law in Selina. .Ala.; and since then he has lived in liirmiiigliHin. Ala. H<' was president of the .'Mabama national bank in 1884-94, In 18961900 he was governor of Alabama. In 19071") he was a member of the United States senate from .Miibaina. Johnston, Joseph R., lawyer, jurist, state senator, was born Sept. 12, 1840, in North .lackson, Ohio. He served in the civil war

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