Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/414

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HERRINGSIIAW'S LIBRARV OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. edition in 1884, that of lluliiic8 and UarneH. lie was the author uf a treatiKv Un the Charier of New York City. He died Dee. 12, 1S47, in

New York

Kent, James Tyler, born March 31, 1849,

City. iihvttician,


York to the thirteenth and fourteenth con-

He di«(| ill .lelFfr-'on county, N.Y'. Kent, Norton Adams, educator, scientist, authoi was born July 28, 1873, in New York City. He was educated at the Berkeley schiH)l; in 1895 graduated with the degree of A. II. from Y'ale uni-




in Vood»iull,


N.Y. In

1873-88 he practiced niedioine in St. Louis, in 1888-lDOO practiced in IMiihidelphia, I'a. Since IWA lie has been proffMMor of materia niedica at Halinemann medical college and hospital of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Ke|H*rtory of the Honicfupathic Materia Medica; Hoinu'opathic riiilo.Hophy; and Lectures on Honi<eupathic Materia Medica. Kent, James V., lawyer, legislator, jurist, wuH l)orn May 29, 1847, in Clinton county, Ind. In early days he taught school; then Htudied law; and in 187U-73 was elected proHecuting attorney. During l87(»-80 he was a menibei' of the state senate of the Indiana legislature. Since 189U he has been judge of the forty-fifth judicial circuit of Indiana. Kent, Joseph, physician, congresHman, governor, L'nited States senator, was born .Ian. 14, 1779, in Calvert county, Md. In 1811-15 and 1819-27 he was a representative from Maryland to the twelftli, tliirtei-nth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eigliteenth and nineteenth eongressi's. In 18^0-29 he was the In l!l33sixteenth governor of Maryland. 39 he was a member of the United States senate from Maryland. He died Nov. 24, 1837. near Uladensburg, Md. Kent, Loren, soldier, was born in New Hampshire. In 18U1 he was lirst lieutenant adjutant in the twenty-ninth regiment Illinois infantry; and in 1S(1.') was brevetted He was brigailier-general of volunteiTs. honorably mustered out in 18(l.'>. He died in

Mo.; and


Kent, Marvin, merchant, nntnufaeturer, banker, state senator, railroad presiilent, legislator, was born Sept. 21. 181H. in Ravena, Ohio. He received a thorough business training in the store of his father, Zenas Kent, a foremost merchant of nt)rthern Ohio. He subse<|uently entered co-partnership with liis father. I'pon the death of his father in 1865 he became president of the Kent's

National bank, which position he still fills. In 1875 he was elected state senator, and declined a renomination. The town of Franklin Mills was changed to Kent in honor of its chief promoter. Kent, Moss, congressman, was l>orn in Uensselear county, N.Y'. In 1807-10 he was a member of the New York assembly. Tn 1813-17 he was a representative from New

versity; and in 1901 received the degree of I'll. IS. from the .Johns Hopkins university. In 1895-97 he was en-




pursuits in Chicago, in 1897-98 studied science in the graduate department of in Yale university; 1901-93 was assistant in spectroscopy at Yerkes observatory; in 1903-07 was professor of physics at the Wabash college; and sinc«' I9(MJ has been professor of physics at the Boston university. He is the author of Notes on the Zeeman KlTect; On the EfL'pon Wave fect of Circuit Conditions Lengths of Spark Lines; The Relative Positions of Arc and Spark Lim-s of the Spectra and Titanum Zinc Iron; and various other III.;



Kent, Walter Henry, educator, chemist, author, was born March 29, 1851, in Levant, N.Y. In 1877-81 he was instructor of chemistry at Cornell university; and in 1881-82 was professor of chemistry at Drake universitv of Des Moines, Iowa. In 1885-94 he was chemist to the Brooklyn health departujent; in 1895-99 was chemist to the New York navv vard. He died in 1907 in Brooklyn. N.Y'.'

Kent, William, educator, lawyer, jurist, was born in 18(>2. He was for many years a successful lawyer in New York City and a jutlge of the circuit court. For a short

time he was professor


Harvard univer-

He died Jan. 4. 1861, in Fishkill, N.Y. Kent, William, civil engineer, author, was









Since 1890 he has been a consulting engineer of New York City: and since 1895 has been ass'>ciate *'<litor «if the Kngineering News. He is the author of Strength of Materials; The Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book; and .Steam Boiler Economy. Kent, William, business president and statesman of KentfieM, Cal., was born March 29. 18(U. in Chicago. III. He r«'ceived the degree of A.B. from Yale college and subse<]uently the honorary degree of A.M. fnun that institution. He spent twenty years in Chicago in the banking business and other o«-eupations and in 1895-97 was a member of the city council. In 1890 he became a |)artner of his father in the firm of A. E. Kent and Son: and after the death of his father in 1901 became a member of


Kent and Burke company, cattle feedand grain dealers of Genoa,

ers, live stock


