Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/430

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born Nov. 11, 1840, in Portland, Maine. She was appointed chief inspector of hospit4ils, and during the civil war had many escapes, being twice shipwrecked while sailing from New York to southern ports. It was through her efforts that decoration day



She died April



hi Phihuh-lphia, Pa.

Kimball, Nathan, soldier, was born in Indiana. He served in the Mexican war as captain of volunteers; and at the lH>ginning of the civil war was api>ointed colonel of a regiment of Indiana infantry. He c o numded a brigade at the battle of Winwas chester; an7, ill KiiM llii-kinan, Ky. He was educated in the public and jirivate schools of Ixtxington. Ky.: and at the K«'ntucky university. Since ISM7 he has been engaged in the practice of law. In 1SH3-84 lie was a member of the Kentucky house of representatives, and in IK.S'.i-iMi was city clerk. In 18!H-97 was «'ity attoniej- of Li'xington, Ky.; and in IK!IS-'|{I07 was county attorney. In 1907on he was a representative from Kentucky ti) tile -^ixtietli congress as a democrat. Kimball, William Smith, manufacturer, hanker. jis horn March .'10, 1837, in Boscawen. N.I I. lie was educated in a private school of Derry, N. H.; at the Phillips academy of Andover, Mass.; and at the Polvtechnic institute of i'roy, N.Y. In 18.->8 he accepted a situation



Oct. 11, 1810, in P'lainfield, N.H. He found^-d the town of Kimball in Texas, and built the first railroad in that state. He was the author of St. Leger; Undercurrents of Wall Street Life; Letters

Ky., as draughtsman and having cliarge of an extensive machine

from Cuba; Letters from England; Cuba and the Cubans; Was He Successful; Today in New York; Stories of Exceptional Life; Henry Powers, Banker, a novel; and Romance of a Student Life Abroad. He died Dec. 28, 1892, in New York City.

he was appointed master mechanic in the United States navy; and was in charge of the repair


was born

Kimball, Robert Jackson, banker, founder, Feb. Ifi, 1836, in Randolph, Vt. 186r> he established a banking house in New York. In 1867 he was admitted to the board of brokers of New York. In 1899 he was elected trustee of the university of Vermont; and is also a trustee of the agricultural college of Brooklyn, N.Y.

was born In

Kimball, Summer Increase, state legislator, author, was born Sept. 2, 1834, in Lebanon, Maine. In 1859 he was elected to the Maine house of representatives, and in was elected Buperintend«'nt of the 1878 United States life saving service. He is the author of Organization and Methods of the United States Life Saving Service. Kimball, William C, manufacturer, business president, was born Feb. II. 1847, in Boxford, Mass. Since 1868 he has been engaged in business in New York City: and now vice-president of the William is Strange company, manufacturers of silks and ribbons, with mills at Paterson, N.J. He is president of the board of trustees of the Passaic public library; and chairman of the



public library commis-


Kimball, William King, soldier, was born in Maine. In 1801 he was lieutenant-colonel




break of the




«>f the niacliinery of gunboats and transports. In 1863 he began the manufacture of tobacco; and established a large tobacco factory on the (Jenesee river in New York. He was president of the Union bank; trustee of the Uochester savings bank; director of the Commercial bank; and president of an industrial school of Rochester, N.Y. He di. d March 20, 1895, in Virginia Beach, Va.

Kimball, William Wallace, merchant, manufacturer, was born in 1828 in Oxford county, Maine. He received an academic education in his native county; and

taught school for two years.

He worked

a clerk, surance



as in-


real dealer; estate traveling in states and settling in




He was

founder of the piano

and organ making


dustries in Cliicago; and pioneer of the wholesale music trade of the north. He originate) the installment plan of selling musical instruments in the west. In lS(i.3 he became a dealer in musical instruments: and in 1882 the business was reorganized under the corporate name of W. W. Kimball