Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/456

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HKKlilNUSHAW'S L.IBHAKY born in Pbiladt-lphia, Pu. lie studied at the Aeademy of Fim* Arts of his native city, and subsequent-




Paris. Since ly in 1874 he has resided in Poissy, France, en-





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[tainting' pic-

tures of peasant life, his work bc-ing done in the ojkmi ;iir. hG^n a reguexhibitor at the all



a gold medal

institu* J. "i-:"^ from that tion; a medal from the univi-rt>al exliibitiun of Paris; the decoration of th« eross of the Legion of Honor; ^(•M inednl at Munidi; gold medal of honor fr<tm Philadt'lpliia Academy of Fine Arts; and gold metlal from Antwerp exhibition. Hi~ iin ip.i! pii lures owned by the Philudelphiii Ai udi lay of Fine Arts are Calling the F»'ninan; Un Devil; Printemps; -



and one of his famous paiiitinj^s is The Shepherd and His Friouda, owned by the ot Milwaukae, Wis. Ligbton gall' Knight, Edward Henry, author, was born 1S24. England. He was long in June 1, i


connected with the patent oflice in Waih* ington. He was the author of American Mechanical Dictionary; and New Mechanical Dictionary. lie died Jan. 28, 1883, in Belief ontaine, Ohio. Knight, Frederie

educator, KaRison, clergyman, college president, wa-- Imrn Oct. 22, 18i>0, in Saco, Maine. He is a minister of the methodist episcopal church; and since M>01 has been president of the NcW Orleans university of Louisiana. Knight, Frederick, educator, poet, was bom Oct. 9, 1791. in Hampton, N.H. He taught in Penobscot, Me., and Marblehead, Maw. A memorial of his life, with his

poems was tage.


published, entitled Tliorn Cotdied Nov. 29, 184U, in Rowley,

Maaa. t, autlior, was born Knight, Frederick, in 1849 in New Hampshire. He was a poet of Rowley, Mass. He was the author of Thorn Cottage, or the P-h <^ Home. He died in 1840 in Rowley, i

Knight, George Thomson, educator, clergyman, author, was bom Oct. 29, 18"»0, in South Windham, Maine. In 1875 he was

ordained to the univeroalist ministry. In 1870-H.3 he was an instructor in rhetoiic history; in 1883-1900 was professor of church history; and since 1000 has

and church l>e«Mi

orofi'ssor of christian thecdogy at the

Crane tbeo]<^ical schoot He is the author of The Goodness of God; and The Praise of Hypocrisy.

Knight, George Wells, educator, scientist, author, was born June 25, 1858. in Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1885-98 lie was inofessor of history and political science at the Ohio state university; and since 1907 has been




chairman of the graduate school of the Ohio state university. He is the author of History of Higher Education ui Ohio; and The Government of the People of Obio. Knight, Henry Cogswell, clirgynian, luitlior, poet, was born in 1788 in Newburyport, Mass.

He was ordained

copal eliurch; but never He was the author of

Hroken Harp:

Poems. Mass.






in the Epia«

a pastorate.

The Cypriad;



died Jan. 10,

Knight, James, physician, inventor, auwas born Feb. 14, 1810. in Taneytown, He established the New York society for the relief of the crippled. He inventi'd lilc-saving apparatus for use in heavy a surf. Ho was the author of Improvement of Health by Natural .Means; Orthopsvdia; and Static Kleetricitv as a Th«'raj)eutic Agent. He died Oct. 2A, 1887, in New York tlior,



Knight, Jesse, lawyer, jurist, was born July 3, 1850, in itooueville, N.W He was educated in the [uiblic and private schools .mil -tinlieil law and of western New Sdrk was admitted to the bar. For lifteeu years he was clerk of courts; was a member of ,

the c<institutional <onveiit i<iTi of Wyoming; of the tirst district judges

and was one after

Wyoming became a


He was

appointed associate justice of the s»iprcme court to till a vacancy; and was subsequently elected for a term of eight years, and iH-ciitne chief justice. He died April 0, in




Knight, Jonathan, civil engineer, legislacongressman, was born Nov. 22. 1787, In IbUl he moved in Bucks county, i'a. with his parents to East Bethlehem, I'a.: and became a civil engineer. In 1822-28 member of the Pennsylvania he was a house of representatives; and was appointed chief engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio In 181>5-.'>7 be was a railroad company. from Pennsylvania to the r«'prespntative He died Nov. 22, thirty -fourth congress. 1858, in East Bethlehem. Pa. Knight, Jonathan, educator, physician, surgeon, was born Sept. 4, 1789, in Norwalk, Conn. In 1808-10 he taught school in New London and X<irwalk, and in 181338 was professor in surgery. In 1853-54 be was president of the American medical association; and for some time was connected with the general hospital us surgeon and director. He died Aug. 26, 1864, in No-.v Haven, Conn. Knight, Leona Annie, litterateur, poet, was born April 30, 18.V,». in Ascension parShe is the author of two volumes ish. La. of poems entitled (Jems of Thouglit; and of Fancy. Fi rr Knight, Nehemiah, farmer, congressman, was born in Rhode Island. In 1803-08 he tor,


a representative from Rhode Island to the eighth, ninth and tenth congresses. He died in 1808 in Rhode Island.



Ifdiemiah Bicc^ bankef, governor,


