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general assembly from Chemung county. In 1882-88 ho was h member of the New York national guard. Knollys, Hansard, clergyman, was born about 1508 in England. In l(>3ti he founded the first church in New Hampshire at Dover. He was regarded as the first Baptist clergyman that preached in the colonies. He was the author of Flaming ¥'m' in Zion;



Hebrew (Jrammar; and Au-

tobiography. He I^ndon, England.






Knopf, Philip, sdhlier. state senator, congressman, was born Nov. 18, 1847. in Lake county, HI. During the civil war he served in the one hundred and f«)rty-»eventh regi-



18G0 he has

Since volunteer infantry. in Chicago, III.; was in


teaming busincHM 1886-1)4 was a member






of the Illinois state senate. In 1804-19O2 he was county clerk of Cook county. 111. In l!H).'l-()U he was a representative from Illinois to the fiftyeighth, fifty-ninth and 8i.xtieth congresses lis a republican.

Knopf, S. Adolphus, pliysician and surgeon of 10 West Ninety-lifth st.. New York City, was born Nov. 27, 18.">7, in Germany. He received a thorough education; and has success as a noted attained consulting physician «)f New York City. He was vicepresident of the Pennsylvania society for the prevention of tuberculosis; and in 190.1

was H delegate to the international tuberculosis congr«'»s at Paris, France. He is a <lirector in the national association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis; and associate direetor of the health department's clinic for pulmonary diseases. Knortz, Karl, educator, author, was born


Knott, James Proctor, lawyer, governor, congressman, was lM>rn Aug. 29, 1830, in U'hanon, Ky. In 1850 he nioved to Missouri; in 1858 he was a memlM«r of the Missouri legislature; and in 1859-62 was In 1862 he attorney-general of Missouri. returnt'd to Kentucky; and was engaged in In 1807-71 and 1877the practice of law. S3 he was a repres<>ntative from K«'ntucky to the fortieth, torty-lirst, forty-tifth, fortysixth an<l forty seventh eongressos as a «lemoerat. In 18S3-87 he was governor of Kentucky. In 1891 he was a delegate to the In convention. eonstituti<mal Kentueky IS92-94 he was prof«'ssor of civics and •I'oneiiiy at Centre colleg*-; and in 1894-1901 was pnlfessor t)f law ami dean of the faculty of tiiat institution. He died June 18, 1911, in

Lebanon. Ky. Knott, Laura A., educator, author. Until 19(11 slu' taught in the normal scIum)! of l.ov«'ll. Mass.; and is now principal of She ia the author of P.radford academy. English in Normal Schools. Knott, Stuart R., railroad president, was He has in 1859 in Louisville, Ky. filled various positions in railway service; and since 1900 has been president of the Kansas City southern railway. Knowland, Joseph Russell, hanker, state >enator, congressman, was horn Aug. 5, He was educated at 1873, in Alameda, Cal. the university of the IVa'-liing of


Aur. 28. 1841. in E'russia. In 1803 he graduated from Heidell)erg university: and received the degree of Ph.D. In 1803 he emigrated to the Unitwl States; and taught s<'liool in Detroit, OalikoMh, Cincinnati and N«*w York city. In 1892-191).') he was superintendent of the fJernian department of the public schools of Evansville. Iiid.; and now resides in North Tarrytown. N.Y. He is the author of Studies in Literature, in (ierman; l^ngfellow; (Jwthe and Werther: (J. Seyffarth; History of .American Literature, in tw<i volumes; Parcival; Folklore; Whitman; Margaret Fuller; Volkskunde; Studies in Folklore; Sketches of American Folklore; Vestiges of Teutonic Ri-lief and Custom in .Amt'rica;

American Idioms and CuHtoms;

Kin<iergarten ; Individuality; Child-study; .Manual Training; The Public School of the L'nited States; Translations from Longfellow's Evangeline, Miles Standish, Hiawatha; Romances of Old England; Tlallada of Scotland; Whittier's Snow-Bound; Whitman's Leaves of Crass; The Poetry of America; and other works.




educator, lawy«r,


was born Aug. 29, 1830, near Lebanon, Ky. He served twelve years as legislator,


prosecuting attorney of the city of Baltimore; and in 1808-70 was representative in In 1885 he was the Maryland legislature. ap|>ointed second assistant postmaster gen


Pacific; and is associated with his father in the wholesale lum-

and shipping business. He is a director of the Alameda savings l)ank; and a director of the National bank of Alameda. In l)er



was a

member of the California house of representatives; in a niemlxT of the state senate.







was a representative from


to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixtythird congrrsses as a re]»ublican.


Knowles, Archibald Campbell, business man. clergytnan. author, was lM)rn .July 11, For ten years 1805. in Philadelphia, Pa. he was engaged in business in Philadelphia. Pa.; and for several year was director of the Comnun-ial national bank of that city. In 1899 he was ordained a priest of the episcopal church; and is now in charge of St. Alhans church of OIney, Philadelphia. He is the author of The Triumph o the Cross; The Holy Christ-Child; and The Belief and Worship of the Anglican Church.