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and The Basis of Ethics. Tn Enp^lish he has published The Japanese bystems of Ethics; and other works. Kboz, Hany, naval officer, was born in fJod;

In 1868 from the United 1806 he became was retired with Ohio.

Knox, Henry,

he was appointed ensign States naval academy. In

commander; and



the rank of rear admiral. soldier, cabinet oliiccr,


born July 25, 1750, in Boston, Mass. Prior to the revolution be was made a captain of an ind(>pendent com-





Boston. In 1776 the corps was Inereased regijnents, three to and he was promoted to the rank of bri^aclicr-ci'ticral.



he received the commission of major-general. In 1TS."» hf was secretary api>ointed of war;

and in 1780lie was acain secretarv «! war. He was the second commander of the United States army. lie !>.'>

died Oct. 25,





Knoz, James, pioneer hunter. He was a resident of western Virfrtnla, and in 170B w;i- flic It-ador of forty-two nun from southwest irginia and North Carolina who met at Reedy creek in June and crossed tlirouyh Ciui'lierlanrl pap westward for the purpose of hunting and trapping;. After over three years' absence, most of the party returned liome. and were named and known afterward as the long hunters, from their prolonfjed absence. Drake's pond and lick, Bledsoe's lick, and Manseo's lick were discovered and marked on this expedition, and each named after the fuKlcr. In 1705-1800 was a member of the Kentucky state senate from Lincoln county. Knox, James, lawyer, founder, congressman, was born July 4, 1807, in C-anajoharie, N.Y. In 1830 he graduated from Yale college; and in 18.33 began the jiracUtica, N.Y. In 1836 he tice of law in founded the town of Knoxville, Ttl.; and be* came a farmer. In 1847 he wns a drlcj^'ate to the Illinois state constitutional convention. In 18.'>3-57 he was a representative from Illinois to the thirty-third and thirtyfourth congrc.HHes. He died Oct. 8, 1876, in

Knoxville. 111. Knox, Mrs. Jessie Juliet, litterateur, author, was born May 14. 1860, in rievelaiul, Tenn. She is the wife of Charles W. Knox of San Jose, Cal. She is the author of Little

Almond Blossoms.

aiithor, wns born Gettysburg, Pa. In 1816 he becmmc pastor of the coilogiate reformed Dutch church in New York City. He published occasional sermons and tracts. He died Jan. 8, 1858, in New York City.

Knox, John, clergyman,





Kam, John Axmoj,



was born Aug. 10. 1851, in Ireland. He became editor of Texas liftings, a oomie newHpaper, which was published In DaHas, '!'<

but subse«|uently rt'Uioved




Vi>rk City. He is the author of Sketches from Texas Siftings; Three Dousen Good S({Mii'>i: Mustang and On a Mexican riirough Texas From the Oulf to the Kio


Knox, John C, lawyer, jurist. In 1853 he was an assoeiate justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. He died in'Ftonnsylvania. Knox, John J., merchant, banker, soldier, was iMirn March 18, 1791, in Canajoharie, N.'. In 1837 he was contractor of a section of the Kri«' canal at Little Falls, N.Y. In 18.30-63 he wa> presi<lent of the bank at '<'rnon, N.Y. In 1826 he was appointed 1)1 igadi«'r-general of the state militia by the governor. In 1840 and isr>(» he was a presidential elector. Ue died Jan. 31, 1870, in Knoxhoro, N.Y. Knox, John Jny, finaiu r. ;iuthor, was born March 10, 1828, in Knoxboro, M.Y. In 1872-74 he was comptroller of the currency. He was the author of United States Notes, a History of the Various Issues of Paper Money by the United StatM Governmcnt. He died Feb. 9, 1802, In New it

York City. Knos, Martin Van Buren, educator, colpresiilent, author, was born in 18 tl. in


Schroon Lake. N.Y. He has b«-4n professor in the Baker university; and for many year>< as prcs^ith-nt of the Red River ValHe is ley university of Wahpeton. N.D. Winter in India and Malaythe author of Anglo-Saxon sia Life of the Religious Race; and Short Studies tn History, a com-




lawyer, cabinet senator, was born May Brownsville. Pa. He was ad6, 1853, in mitted to the bar in 187.'); wns assistant the district attorney for States I nilt'd

Knox, Philander Chase,

ollicer, I nite<l State»<

Western district of Pennsylvania in 187»»; and in 1S77 formed a law partnership with .lame- 11. UcihI as Knox and Reed, and be*

came counsel cluding




large interests, in-

Carn^ie company.

He was

elected president of the AlUgheny bar asIn 1001-04 he was atsociation in 1807. torney-general in the cabinet of President McKinley. In 1005-11 he was a member of the United states senate.

Knox, Robert White, surgeon, was born Nov. 21, IS.'^n, in Danville, Ky. In 1880 he graduated from Centre college of Kentucky: in 1882 graduated from the medical dejiartment of the university of Virginia; New York post-graduate studied in the metlical school; and has received the degrees of A.B.. A.H. Mid He has a JD.


(iraotii e in Houston, Texas; and since 1902 has b*>en chief surgeon of the Atlantic division of the Southern Pneifle railroad. He is vice-president of the Texas state liir;.'e

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