Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/475

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Hssocintion for the advancement of science and a member of other Hocieties. He is the author of Manual of Analysis; and bulletins and reiwrts of the New York and

North Dakota «'xperiuient stations. Ladd, Mrs. Catherine, educator, poet, was born Oct. JS, KSO'J. in Richmond. Va. She was u writer and teacher in South Carolina and for half a century contributed both prose and verse to the periodi«'al press. She died in Bnckhead. S.C. Ladd, Georj^e Dutton, physician, surgeon,

was born







lie i>racticed medicine in Milwaukee, surgeon in the St. Mary's hospital; and was surgeon for the staff of Wisconsin in the Spanish-American war. Ladd, George Trumbull, educator, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 10. 1842, in Painesville. Ohio. He has been professor of philosophy at Yale Jiniversity since 1881. lie is the author of I'rinciples of Cliurch Polity; The ])octrine of Sacred S<Tipturc; riiilosophy of Mind; A Primer of Psychology; Psycliology, I>e.scripti%'e and Kxplanatciry Outlines (if Psychological Psychology; lOlements of Psychological Psychology In-

In 181UI



and What

tn)duction Philosoi»hy the He translated Ixitze's Philosuphical Bible? Outlines, from tlie (lerman. to-


Ladd, George W., merchant, congressman, was born Sept. 28. 1818. in .ugusta. Maine. He was engaged in the hunber and commission business in connection with the wholesale griH-ery business. In 1879-8.'J he was a repn'sentative fronj Mailie to the forty-sixth and forty-seventh congres-ses as a democrat. He died .Ian. .'U. 1S!)2. in Bangor, Maine.

Ladd, Herbert Warren, soldier, merchant, was born Oct. 15, 1843. in New Mass. He served through the civil war. He was j>resident of the H. W. Ladd I'ompaiiy. dry goods men-hants of Providence, lie fouufled the commercial club of U.I. Providence. It. I. In 1889-90 and 1891-92 he was the thirty-sixth governor of Rhode governor, Itedfonl.



died in



Ladd, Horatio Oliver, educator, clergyman, fmnidor. college president, was born Aug. 1S39. in Hallowell. Maine. In 1802 he


graduated doin




college with of ..M. ;



the in


theological Yale s( h<K»l and received degree of S.T.D. (lie from Hobart college.


was lS.>9-(n lu' In principal of Farmingham college of Maine. 18(58-70 was proIn fessor of rhetoric an«l onitory at Olivet college; and in 1 873-7(5 was (trincipal of the New Ilnnipshire state normal sehool. He founded nnd in lSSl-89 was president of the nnivei-sity of New Mexico. He also founded

the Ramona Indian school and the United States Indian 8<'hool'of Santa Fe, N.M. In 18S9-90 he was supervisor of census of New Mexiw. He Itas tilled pastorates in congregational churches of Olivet and Romeo, Mich. and Hopkinton. Mass. He entered the episcopal ministry and in 1891 was ordainiKl deacon and priest. In 1891-90 was

rector of trinity church at Fishkill. N.Y.; and since 1890 has l)een rector of grace church at Jamaica, N.Y. He is the author of MeuKuial of John S. C. Abbott; The War

with Mexico;

New Mexico i

Ramona Days; The Story of The Founding of the Baptiitt N.Y. and Chun-

hiirch in r)»ilches8 trounty.



Story of the Navajos.

Ladd, Joseph Brown, author, poet, was lM)rn




NewiM>rt, R.I.

He was


author of Poems of Arouet and his iM>etry, with some of his prose writings, was colle<'te<l into a volume, containing also a memoir of the author, by his sister. Mrs. FlizaImMIi Ila.skins. He died Nov. 2. 1786, in

Cliarleston, S.C.

Ladd, Scott M., lawyer, jurist, was born In 187522. 1855, in Sharon, Wis. 77 he attended Beloit college of Wisconsin; then Carthage college of Illinois; and iu 1881 graduated from the law de]mrtment of the state university of Iowa. For several years he practiced law in Sheldon. Iowa and in 1887-97 was district judge of Iowa. Since 1897 he has been associate justice of the state supreme court of Iowa. Ladd, William, philanthropist, was born May 10. 1778, in Exeter, N.H. He took an active part in organizing the American i>eaee society, of which be was for many years president. He died April 9, 1841, in Ports-


month. N.H. La Dow, George A., lawyer, state legislator, congressman, was born March 18. 1828, in Cayuga county. N.Y. He move<l to Wisconsin in 1851, and was electefl district attorney for two years. He remove<l to Minnesota in 1802; and in 1807 was electisl to the house of representatives of that state. He settled in Oregon in 1809; and in 187274 was a memlier of the house of representatives. He was a representative from Oregon to the forty-fourth congress. He die<l in .May, 1875. in Oregon.

Ladreyt, Casimir, educator, author,


in 17!'7 in France. He came to the I'nited Stales about 1830; taught the French lai'gtuige: and pulilished French pronunciation; The Study of French Simplified; and other text-books. He died July 4. 1877. in


Boston. Mass.






was l>orn Jan. 5. 1802. in NewR.I. Since 1880 he has been a member of tlu' tirm that designed the cathedral of St. John the divine; the church and i»arsotiage of the fourth epis<'opal church of New York city and many other churches in Rhoile Island. Mas.sacliusetts and the state of New York. architect, )i(»rt.