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111.; and a poet and lecturer well known in the west. Lawson, Robert, soldier. He became major of the fourth Virginia regiment in 1770; colonel in 1777; and commanded a brigade of Virginia militia under General Gre^'ne at the battle of Guilford. He died in April,

a[>|K>inted major-general of volunteers;

1805, in Richmond, Va.

served* in the

Lawson, Thomas, soldier, surgeon, author, was born alxtut 1781 in Virginia. He was

ment; and


Lawton, Henry Wade,

Republican of Eflingham,

brigadier-general for meritorious officer of the I'nited He was States f(»rce.H in the Mexican war. the author of Report on Sickness and Morality in the I'nited States Army; and MeHe died Mav 15, teorological Register. 18()1, in Norfolk, Va. Lawson, Thomas G., farmer, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born in 1848 in Putnam county, Ga. He was a niomU'r of the (Jeorgia legislature in 1861-07; and was judge of the superior court of the Ocniulgee circuit in 1878-80. In 1891-97 he was a representative from Georgia to the fifty-second, fiiiy-third and the fifty-fourth congresses as brevette»l

Charlestown, Mass. Since 1870 he has been in business as a banker and broker of Boston, Mass. He is the author of History of the Republican Party; Secret of Success; A Collection of Poems and Short Stories; Frenzied Finance; and Friday the Thirteenth.

Lawson, Victor Fremont, journalist, pub-

was born Sept. 9. He was educated at

lisher, III.

1850, in Chicago, Phillips academy

of Andover, Mass. He took charge of an interest of his father's estate in a printing e H t a b 1 i s h e n t


b«meht Daily



News with

C'hic.igo in




partner. Melville E. Stone, deveIo|>ed it to success. In 1881 he started a morning edition; and in 18S8 became its sole proprietor. He has been president of the assoHe established the Daily ciated press. News fresh air fund; and has been active in other philanthropic work.






was born




inspector-general's depart1899 was corps commander in the Philippines. He was killed Dec. 19, 1899, in battle in the Philippine Islands.

conduct as chief medical

a (lemocrat. Lawson, Thomas William, banker, broker, author, was l)orn Feb. 20. 1857, in



army; and was discharged to join the civil war in the thirtieth Indiana regiment. In 18(i5 he was mustered out; and again entered the regular army. In 1899 he was


Lawton, William Cranston, educator,


author, was Iwrn May 22. 18.'>3, in Hetlford, Mass. He is a classical ti-acher and lecturer, formerly of Cambritlge; and now professor in Adelplii college of Brooklyn, N.Y.; and in 1896-97 was classiciil editor of Library of the World's Best Literature. He is the author of Three Dramas of Euripides; Folia Dispersa, a book of verse; Art and Humanity in Homer; New turer,


Kn.;land Poets; and Successors of Homer. Lawyer, George, lawyer, author, was born Sept. 24, 1804, in New' York City. In 1890 he U'gan the practice of law in Albany, N.Y. Since 1901 he has been judge advocate of the third brigade New York national guard. He is the author of Syllabus on the Law of Contracts.

Lawyer, Thomas, congressman, was bom Colleskill, N.Y. He was a member of New York assembly from Schoharie county in 1816; and in 1817-19 he was a representative from New York to the fifin


teenth congress. He died in Schoharie county, N.Y. Lay, Alfred Morrison, soldier, lawyer,

congressman, was l)orn May 20, 1836, in Lewis county. Mo. He was appointed Tnited States attorney for the western of Missouri. He resigned in 1861 entered the confederate army; and beIn 1879-81 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-sixth •ongress. He died Dec. 9. 1879, in Missouri. Lay, Benjamin, philanthropist, author, was lH)rn in 1681 in England. He was a benevolent and eccentric Quaker. He was the author of several treatises and religious works, which were published by Benjamin Franklin. He died in 1760 near Abington. Pa. •listrict


came major.

Lay, George W., lawyer, legislator, eonwas born .luly 27, 1798, in CatN.Y. In 18:{3 he 'was elected to the assembly of New York; and in 1833-37 he

gressriiaii. skill.

born Nov. 4. 1818. in Reaufort district. S.C. He was president of the Savannah and Augusta railroad in 1849-.')4; state senator in 18.54-61; and held other offices. In 1861 he

a repn-sentative from New York to twi'nty-third and twenty-fourth conIn 184t) he was a member of the New York state legislature; and in 1842-45 war-, charye ^ratfaires to Sweden. He died Oct. 21. ISOO, in Batavia, N.Y.

became brigadier-general in the provisional confederate army, and" was put in com-




Lawton, Alexander Robert, yer, railroad


president, state senator,

of the coast of Georgia.



In 1887-89 he was United States minister to Austria. He died July 2, 1896, in Clifton Springs,




Lay, Henry Champlin, clergyman, bishop, was born Dec. 0. 1823, in Richmond, He was the first protestant episcopal hishop of East«Mi, .Md.; but in 1859-69 the third bisliop of Arkansas. He was the author of Studies in the Church; and The

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