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91 he was as^wH-iatf tnlitor nf xho Mobile Register; and is now die etlitor of the Mobile Herald. II« sitvimI two terms in the Ala* (taiiwi s(!it<- l«>::tslatiiri>. lie ia the author of Joliii

lioldeu, l.'uiouist.

Ledyard, Henry, lawyer, state senator,

was born Mnrch 181-2, in Xt-w York He was a meuibcr of the Michigan senate





and subsequently was

.s«'i- rotary of stat*- at Washington. D.G. }]«' <n«Ml in I88U in Loudon, England. Ledyard, Henry Broekhoist, railroad presi-


dt'iit. was born Vvh. 20. 1844, in France. In 1805-7t> he served as hrst lieutenant in the fourth United States artillery; and in 1870 became en^'aued in raiiroa<l work. In 1HS:{1UU5 be was president of the Michigan Central railroad at Detroit; and is now chalr^ man of the board of directors.

Ledyard, John, traveler, wnHbornin 1751 Oroton, Conn. Fie fittwi himself for a missionary to the Indians; bnt subsequently •>mbar]ccd with Captain Cook on his last voyai?e aronnd the world. He died Jan. 17, 1780. in Cairo. K-ypt. Ledyard, William, soldier, was born about 1750 in Groton, Conn. He was a colonel in the revolutionary war; and v;i< killed in Imttle. A monument has been erected in

where the battle was


rate the event. (iroton. Conn.

fougllt to





1781, in

L«e, Agnes, author, poet, was bom in Cbica-^o. III. She is the author of The Round Itabhit and nunierouH iH>ems. She lias translated Toetiis nt Theophite Oantler; and The

Gates of




author works.


of Collier's Weekly, lie is the Knave of Hearts; and other


Lindley, noldier, lawyer, jur16, 1834. in Fulton. N.Y.

Lee, Albert ist,

was born Jan.


removed to Kansas, where 1h? was judge of the state supreme court in 1801. He became major of the seventh Kansa.s cavalry in that year: and was c<unmissioned brigadier-fteneral of volunteers. He died in 1008 in Kansns. Lee,





was bom Sept. 9, 1807, in Cambridge, Mass. He was the first protestant episcopal bishop

He was the author of 'He' of Del.iw ri'. Harbinger of Christ; Life of St. IVter; Eventful Nights in Bible History: Life of St. John; and Treatise on llaplism. He died April 12, 1887. in WihniuKton, Del.


Lee, Alfred islator.

consul-general at Frankfort, Germany. He is the author of European Days and Ways Battle of Gettysburg; and History of Columbia. Lee, Algernon, journalist, atithor. wu.-i born Sept. 15, 1873, iu Dultuque, Iowa. Since 1895 be has been identified with the sm-ialist movement; and since 1809 has been editor of the Worker of New York city. He is the author of Labor Politics; and Sodalist Politics.

Lee, Andrew, clergyman, author, was bom May 17, 1745, in Lyme, Conn. In 1768-1832 he was pastor of the trinitarian congregational chnrch of Lisbon, Conn. Among bis publicotion.s are An Inquiry Whether it be the Duty of Man to be Willing to Suffer Damnation for the IHvine Glory; The De-

clensions of Christianity, an .r:,'unieiit for Its Truth; and Sermons ou Various important Snbjects. He died Ang. 25, 1832, in Lisbon. Conn.

Lee, Andrew EllcaOllt merchant, governor, was born In 1847 in Norway. Since IW9 he has l>een in thf mercantile business; and be<-Mme mayor of Vermillion, S.D. In 18Ut}1900 he served two terms as governor of S'l'i'li

Emory, soldier, j<»urnali8t. legwas born Fel). 17. 18:i8.


Barnesville. Oliio. He entered the union army as a private; rose to a captaincy in the eifrlity-sccond re^jinunt Ohio vohnitecrs in

seriously wounded at Gettysburg. served in the Ohio state lestolature In


Ann, loundor of religious sect, was Feb. 22. 1736, in England. She was the founder of the religion of the so-called Shakers. She died Sept. 8. 1784. in WaterLee,




Lee, Albert, journalist, author, was born 11, 1808, In New Orleans. La. In 180500 he was editor of IIarj»T"s Hnund Table and in 1899 was managing; iniitor of Harper's Weekly: and since 190.3 has been man-



and liccnme collector of the United Stales internal revenue for the eighth district of Ohio in 1870. He was privmta mcretary to Governor Rutherford B. Hayea in 1S7U; and in 1877-82 was United States 18»;7-»););

Lee, Arthur, congressman, cabinet officer, 20, 1740, in Stratford. Va. lie jiracticed minlicine at WilliamsburR, Va. and was admitted to the practice of law in

was bom Dec.

England, in 1776 he was a commissioner to France; and in 1777 was a commissioner to Spain. In 1781 he was elected to the assembly of Virginia; and in 1781-84 he was a deletrate from Virginia to the ctuitinental congress. He was appointed secretary of


the treasury, wbicfa office lie until 1789. He died Dec. 12. 1792. in IVbana. Vn. Lee, Benjamin, naval otFicer, wa8 burn Feb. 2ii. 17<i'>. in England. He entered the merchant nmrine as captain, and was one of the first to carry the ila« of bis adopted After thirteen country to the far east. years on the ocean he retired to a farm; and Rtibsequctilly declined a commission as 1st li"-iiti ii;iiit of the frigate Constitution. He iwj^, in Cambridge, Mass. died Miii.


Lee, Benjaiiuu, |)hysician, author, was born Sept. 2i, IH'Mi, in Norwich. Conn. In 1862-63 he was a surgeon in the twentysecond New York regiment. In 1895-96 he











a specialist in orthoptedic sur-

gery and nervous diseases. He Is the author of Tracts on Mnssn^c; and Correct Prin-

Treatment for Angular Curvature

and waa

ciples of


of the Spine.

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