Page:Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica.djvu/667

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Aloiadae, 157

Alpheus. 103, 218, 219, 287, 355,

371, 372 n., 375. 393 Alpliesiboea. w. of PhoenLx, 171 AltPs (Humor), u6'.> Althaea (mother of Meleager), 183,

tlj. 217 and n. Alus (in Aetolia), 159 Aiycus, slaiu by Theseus, 501 Amsrynces, 183 Amazon, 507, 509 Amphiaraiis. xxix ; sons of — , 193 ;

story of — , 217 ami n.. 219, 267 ;

Expedition of — to Thebes attri-

bulecl to Homer. 533 Ampludamas, fimeral games of — ,

xiii. x^^. 51. 517. 571 Aniphidoc-us, s. of Orchomenus. 283 Ampliilochns. s. of Amphiaraiis,

267 ; slain by Apollo, 271 ^ Amphimachus, 219 Ampliion. sons of — , 173 ; builds

walls of Tiiebes, 215 Amphiphanes, murderer of Hesiod,

xvi. 587 Amphirho, 105 Amphitrite, 97. 99 ; present at birth

of Apollo, 331 Amphitryon, 103. 221, 223, 225,

231. 249, 251, 253 Ampyce, 233 Amyrus, 211 Amythaon, 163; f. of Jlclampua,

100; sons of — , 277 Anaiirus, 253 Anaxibia, sister of Agamemnon,

208 Anclilscs, xxxviii : f. of Aeneas, 1 53 ;

loved by Aphrodite, 411, 413, 415,

417,419,421 n..519 Androgeos (Eurygyes), s. of Minos,

205 AncU'omaehe, xxvi, 505 ; given as a

prize to Neoptolcmus, 519, 523 Antilochiis, slain by Memnon, xxx,

507 ; burial of — , 509 Antioche, w. of Eurytus, 535 Antiope, 207, 215 ; loves Theseus,

527 Antij)hus, 589

Antimaclius, Thebaia of — , 487 n. Antimachus (of Teos), reputed

author of the Epigoni, xxix Anthe, 253 Anthea. 247

AnthemoSssa (island of the Sirens), 181

Antron, 325

Apelles. 571

Aphareus. 503

Aphotae (in Magnesia), 255

Aphiihia (in Attica), sacked by the IHoacuri. 501

Aphidiius, k. of Aphidna, 501

Aphrodite, xxxviii, 7, 41, 79 ; derivation of her name. 93, 139, 151 ; carries olf Pliaethon, 153, 155, 163. 167 n. ; lays curse on daus. of Tyndareus, 1!)1 , l',i3, 221, 223, 259, 297, 330. 407-427 passim ; adorned by the Hours, 427 ; queen of Salainis and Cyprus. 435 ; rivalry with Hera and Athena, urges Paris to go to Sparta, 491, 495, 499, 577, and passim

Apollo. XV and n., xxxvi ; bom on a seventh day, 59, 79 ; patron of minstrels, 85 ; protector of youth, 105 ; 8. of Zeus anii Leto, 145 ; f. of Asclepius, 189 ; slays the Cyclopes, 191 ; as prophet, 201 n.; builds walls of Troy with Posei- don, 209, 21 1 n., 213 and n.; slays Meleager, 217 ; called Pairasaean, 225, 227 ; plays tlie lyre amid the gods, 235, 253 ; f. of Chaoron, 259, 261, 271, 275; Hymus to, 281, 325, 329; claims the lyre, the bow, and prophetic arts as prerogatives, 333, 335, 337. 339, 341, 343, 345; kills the she- dragon at Delphi, punishes Tel- phusa, why called Pythian, 351 ; guides Cretans to Delplii to be his ministers, 353, 363, 365, 371 ; seeks cattle stolen by Hermes, 377. 3S5 ; ple.-ids against Hermes before Zeus, 380-391 ; tries to bind Hermes, 393, 395 ; receives the lyre from Hermes, 399 ; gives staff of riches to Hermes, 401, 405 ; seeks to wed Hestia, 409, 417, 429, 435, 441 ; temple of — at Pytho, 449; putroii of minstrels, 451, 453, 489, 507; aids Paris in slaying Achilles, 509 ; separates Atliena and Ares, 531, 539, 571 ; dedication to — by Uoiuer, 6'Jl ; Homeric Hymn