Page:Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica.djvu/671

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Cinaethon, author of the Slory of

Ocdipm. 483 Circe, xxxiii ; daii. of Helios. 151,

153, 181, 475; marries Telenia-

chus, 531 Circuit of the Earlh (a Hesiodic

poem), xsiii, 179 Cirrha, 175 Claros, Calchas dies at — , 2G7, 327 ;

the seat of ApoUo, 435 Cleisidice. 297

Cleeia (oue of the Hyades), 69 Cleio (one of tlie Muses). 83 Cleobulus of Liudus, author of the

"Homeric" epigram ou Midas,

xl fleodaeus, 277 Cleautlie.9. 567 Cleolla. mother of Agamemnon and

JlenelaUs, 203 Clotiio (one of the Fates), 95 andn.,

145, 239 Cl.vraene, 105 ; dan. of Ocean,

weds lapetus, 117 ; dau. of

Minyas, 209 Clymeiius. s. of Oeneus, 217 ; 8. of

Orcliomenus, 283 Clytaemne.stra, false to Agamem- non, 191 ; aids Aesistlius to

murder Agamemnon, 527 Clvtie. 105 Clvtius. 207 Cnidos, 327

Cnossus (in Crete), 353, 359 Coeus, 8. of Heaven, 89 ; weds

Phoebe, 109, 329 Colclds, 271 n., 579 Colophon, 267 n. ; destruction of — ,

489 ; Teiresias buried at — , 527,

537 Colophonian. the — author of the

Returns, 529 ; claim to Homer,

567 Communion by ritual-drauglit in

Eleusiman mysteries, 3(K5 and n. Contest of Homer and Ilesiud,

composite nature of — , main con-

t.cnts of — , xU, xlii ; value of — ,

xlii Continental Greece, Epic poetry

in — , X, xiii, xxxiv Corinthus, Isthmus of — , xvi, 197,

265 ; Medea kills Crcon at — ,

535 : visit of Homer to — . 593 Coroni8(oue of the Hyades), 60, 189,

211 ; dau. of Phlecyai?. weds lacliya, 213; bears Asclepius to Apollo, 441

Corycus, 327

Coryphasium (Pylos), Eermes hides Apollo's cattle at — , 265

Cos, 327

Cottus, 8. of Heaven, 89 : bound by Cronos, released by Zeus, 125, 127. 131 ; lives in Tartarus, 133, 139

CratoB (Strength), 107

Crane, the, 37

Creon, k. of Thebes, 225 ; f. of Haemon, 483 : k. of Corinth, poisoned by Medea. 535

Creophylus (of Samon). reputed author of tlie Taking of Oec/ialia, 533, 535, 595

Cretans, xxxvi ; ministers of Apollo at Delplil, 353, 357 ; paean- sLngcrs, 361

Crete, 71.77, 115,151, 171,197,275, 297, 327, 357, 491, 547, 589

Cretheis, mother of Homer, 567, 569

Crctheus, 8. of Aeolus, 157, 163

Criiiacus. s. of Zeus, 183

Crisa. 343, 345, 355, 357

Crisaeans, 357

Criiis, s. of Heaven, 89 ; weds Eiirybia, 107

Croakerson (a Frog), 559

Croiset. MM., xv, xxx, xl

Crow, life of the — , 75

Cronius, 261

Cronos, story of ■ — ■, xxl ; reigns in the Golden Age, 11 ; rules over the departed heroes, 15, 79: over- come by Zeus, 83; s. of Earth and Heaven, 89 ; idots against Heaven, 01 ; niutiUit is his father, 93, 109 ; swyllows liis cliildren, 113; swallows a stone in place of Zeus, vomits up his children, 115; confines IJriareus, Cottus, and Gyes, 125, 127, 141, 349, 407 and n. ; dau. of — (Hcstia), 457 ; f. of Chiron by Philyra, 483

Cronos, son of — , passim

Crotalns, 26)

Crumb-snatcher (a Mouse), 454 (T.

Cruni. 355

Crudcbake. a pnomo harmful to potters, 473