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The White House,
Washington, June 21, 1940.

Hon. John M. Carmody,
Administrator, Federal Works Agency, Washington, D. C.

My Dear Mr. Carmody: In order that we may be assured of the adequacy of our highway system to meet the needs of our national defense, I would like you, in collaboration with the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense and the War and Navy Departments, to have the Public Roads Administration of your Agency make a survey of our highway facilities from the viewpoint of national defense and ad vise me as to any steps that appear necessary.

I suggest that particular attention be paid to the strength of bridges, the width of strategic roads, adequacy of ingress to and egress from urban centers, and the servicing of existing and proposed Army, naval, and air bases.

I am sending a copy of this letter to the agencies enumerated above.

Yours sincerely,

Franklin D. Roosevelt.