Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/136

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core with a fork, after carefully removing the unedible outside. Dress with white mayonnaise and serve upon crisp lettuce hearts. Garnish with tiny bits of pimento. 2d.—Omit the pimento, lettuce and mayonnaise, and dress with sherry wine and sugar. For a Christmas salad, use the first formula and canned pineapple if the fresh be not at hand. Dispose the dressed pineapple and grape fruit upon shredded lettuce, having a circle of heart leaves around the edge. Dot here and there with small stars cut from the red pimento with a French cutter. Or chop the pimento fine and dispose in the shape of a large five-pointed star in the centre of the dish.

Pineapple-and-Cream Cheese Salad, Easter Style.

Wash and dry the leaves in a head of lettuce; cut sliced pineapple (canned is preferable for this purpose) into straws ; keep the straws as long as the slices will allow. Take one slice for each service. Roll cream cheese into egg-shapes, the size of birds' eggs. Dispose the pineapple-straws, nest shape, in heart-leaves of lettuce and set three eggs in each nest; fleck each egg with paprica. Serve plain French dressing in a bowl. Allow one tablespoon-ful and a half of olive oil, half a tablespoonful of

lemon juice and a few grains, each, of salt and pepper for each nest. Tint the cheese with leaf green color paste, very delicately, before shaping.