Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/173

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Savory Sandwiches.

Chicken-Salad Sandwiches.

(Chou-paste boxes.)

(See cut facing page 126.)

Bake chou paste in long, slender shapes, like éclairs, but narrower and shorter; when cold split apart on the ends and one side and fill with chicken salad. Put the top back in place, after inserting a celery plume at each end. Garnish the serving-dish with celery leaves and pim-olas or olives. Serve other salads in the same way.

Mosaic Sandwiches.

Cut the bread, white, brown and graham, as thin as possible, and use four or five pieces in each sandwich, putting them together so that the colors will contrast. Either butter or other filling is admissible.

Chicken-and-Nut Sandwiches.

Chop fine the white meat of a cooked chicken and pound to a paste in a mortar. Season to taste with salt, paprica, oil and lemon juice and spread upon thin bits of bread. Spread other bits of bread, corresponding in shape to the first, with butter; press into the butter English walnuts, pecan nuts or almonds, blanched and sliced very thin. Press corresponding pieces together.

Aspic Jelly for Sandwiches.

Soak one box (two ounces) of gelatine in one cup of cold chicken liquor until thoroughly softened. Add to three cups of chicken stock, seasoned with