Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/54

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One Quart of Vinaigrette Sauce.

For endive, lettuce, cooked asparagus, etc.

Rub the inside of a mixing bowl with, a clove of garlic, cut in halves. Into the bowl put half a tea-spoonful, each, of mustard, paprica, and curry powder, one teaspoonful of chopped chives, a thin slice of mild onion, scraped to a pulp, one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of fine-chopped parsley and half a chili pepper, chopped fine. Mix and crush all the ingredients. Use a silver fork. Then pour on a tablespoonful of olive oil and mash the whole to a smooth pulp; add a cup of cider vinegar, gradually, mixing all together meanwhile; then add three cups of olive oil in the same manner. Press through a very fine (new) sieve into a quart fruit jar. Cover closely, and set aside in a cool place for use as desired.

French Dressing, Chiffonade.

To the recipe given for French Dressing add half a teaspoonful of onion juice, one hard-cooked egg, one teaspoonful of chives, and one tablespoonful, each, of red and green pepper and cooked beets, all chopped very fine. Serve with endive or any variety of lettuce.

Thousand Island Salad Dressing.

To a cup of mayonnaise add one tablespoonful, each, chopped chives, pimentos, and green pepper, the sifted yolk of one hard-cooked egg, one teaspoonful, each, paprica, walnut catsup, and tarragon vinegar, and three or four tablespoonfuls of chili sauce.