Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/58

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Endive Salad.

Prepare as lettuce salad, first rubbing over the bowl with a clove of garlic cut in halves. A few sprigs of chives, chopped fine, are exceedingly palatable, sprinkled over a lettuce, endive, string-bean, or other bean salad.

A Few Combinations.

Dress each vegetable separately with the dressing; then arrange upon the serving-dish. Or, have the salad arranged upon the serving-dish and pour the dressing over all; then toss together and serve. About three tablespoonfuls of oil, with other ingredients in accordance, will be needed for one pint of vegetable.

  1. Lettuce, tomatoes cut in halves, sprinkled with powdered tarragon, and parsley or chives.
  2. lettuce, moulded spinach and fine-chopped beets.
  3. Lettuce, Boston baked beans and chives.
  4. Lettuce and peppergrass.
  5. Lettuce, shredded sweet peppers or pimentos, and sliced pecan nuts or almonds.
  6. Lettuce, tomatoes stuffed with peas or string beans cut small, and chives chopped fine.
  7. Lettuce, asparagus tips and sliced radishes.
  8. Arrange the lettuce at the edge of dish, inside a ring of radishes sliced thin, without removing the red skins; centre of asparagus tips, with radish cut to resemble a flower.