Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/71

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Other Vegetable Salads.

bread with, chaud-froid sauce and decorate with fine-chopped parsley or sifted yolk of egg; pour over a little melted aspic. When the aspic is set, trim neatly, and arrange each round of sweetbread on a slice of chilled tomato. Serve inside a border of lettuce around a salad made of the trimmings of the sweetbreads and a cucumber cut in cubes and dressed with mayonnaise.

Egg-and-Tomato Salad.

Cut hard-cooked eggs in lengthwise quarters, after removing a slice from one end that the eggs may stand level. On individual plates set slices of ripe tomato with two or three heart-leaves of lettuce; on each slice of tomato set one of the prepared eggs, held together with a ring cut from a slice of tomato. Surround with mayonnaise dressing.

Tomatoes Stuffed with Cucumber.

Peel five tomatoes, cut off the stem ends and scoop out the pulp, thus forming cups; set, turned upside down, in a cool place. Chop fine the solid pulp from the tomatoes and one cucumber, chilled before chopping; stir into a cup of cream dressing and fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Salt and pepper will be needed in addition to that in the dressing. If at hand, a pimento maybe chopped with the other ingredients, or two tablespoonfuls