Page:Hindu Art - its Humanism and Modernism.djvu/20

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is fighting the Amazons; and in a third Gorgon is pursuing Perseus or Kadmos killing the dragon. What else are the themes of the medieval Purana-painters? And Hindus whose infancy is nurtured on the stories and paintings of the Ramayana will easily remember familiar scenes in the colored terra cottas of Hellas which portray, for instance, a Paris in the act of leading away Helen, or the parting of Hector and Andromache.

It may be confidently asserted, besides, that the spiritual atmosphere of Gothic cathedrals of the thirteenth century with their soul-inspiring sculptures in alabaster and bronze has not been surpassed in the architecture of the East. The pillars at Chartres with bas reliefs of images and flowers could be bodily transported to the best relig-