Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/165

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by receding at his request and the reason assigned for his seeking Dvaraka is that Jarasandha, a king of the Magadhas drove away Krishna and the Yadavas from Mathura.

Ganges.—The river Ganges or Ganga is the mother of Kumara and represents the goddess Vak or Vidya.

Garbagriha.—The Garbagriha is the innermost part of a Hindu Temple, called the holy of the holies. In the Garbagriha the image of the temple god is placed and worshipped.

Gayatri.—The sacred Gayatri verse, to which great religious importance is attached, freely translated means: "Let us meditate as on ourselves, on the shining Creator and All-pervader, that divine light which destroys avidya or ignorance and its effects. May that Sun enlighten our intelligence."

This is also the prayer taught to the initiate when he becomes a Brahmana in the Upanayana ceremony, and is used in several rites connected with sacrifices. The verse is repeated many times in the daily Sandhya worships. The sage Visvamitra is supposed to be the author of the Gayatri verse.

Kallan.—A criminal tribe found chiefly in the districts of Madura, Trichinopoly and Tanjore.

Kasan.—A shrub bearing purple flowers, Memyecylon tinctorium. Vishnu’s colour is said to resemble the colour of Kasan.