Page:Hine (1912) Letters from an old railway official.djvu/99

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The Unit System.

Remember that rank and authority can be conferred by seniority in grade as well as by grade itself.

The scriptural warning that no man can serve two masters is still applicable. In our case the master is the corporation, represented at different times by various individuals clothed with authority. The conductor runs his train under the laws of the land, the policy of the president, the rules of the general manager, the bulletins of the superintendent, the assignment of an assistant superintendent, the orders of a dispatcher. He collects tickets and fares as directed by the general passenger agent and reports on forms prescribed by the auditor. The lower we go in the scale the fewer the superiors with whose instructions the employe comes in direct contact. The trackman knows authority only as its exercise is personified by his section foreman until the paymaster tells him to wipe off his feet before entering to receive his check. Therefore, put out a slow flag against too fast running over such low joints as “one boss,” “complete responsibility” “divided authority,” etc., etc., until you feel certain just what speed they will stand.

Affectionately, your own,

D. A. D.