Page:Historic Landmarks of the Deccan.djvu/111

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the lifetime of Mahmud Shah, but he was succeeded by his son Amir All Barid who, on his father's death, obtained complete control of the persons of the remaining members of the royal family. His policy was to ally himself with the kings of Ahmadnagar, Berar, and Golconda against the Adil Shahi icings of Bijapur. This dynasty, however, established its pre-eminence and Ismail Adil Shah, the second of the line, with the assent of Burhan Nizam Shah, who dared not withhold it, resolved to punish Amir Ali Barid. In 1529 he set out for Bidar, and as he approached the place Amir Ali withdrew towards Udgir, leaving his sons, the eldest of whom was Ali Barid, to defend the city. Ismail Adil Shah laid siege to the fortress and defeated in the field both the defenders, who made a sortie, and an army sent from Golconda by Sultan Quli Qutb Shah. He also distinguished himself by slaying in single combat two noted warriors, the maternal uncles of Ali Barid. While the siege was still in progress Ala-ud-din Imad Shah came from Berar to intercede with Ismail Adil Shah for Amir Ali Barid, but was informed that the injuries which the intriguer had inflicted on Bijapur could not be pardoned. Ala-ud-din then advised Amir Ali to make the best terms he could with the invader, but Amir Ali returned to his camp and attempted to drown his sorrows. Asad Khan, who had been sent by Ismail Adil Shah to make a night attack on Amir Ali Barid, found his camp unguarded and the whole army drunk. He made his way carefully to Amir Ali*s private tent and found him lying on a bed dead drunk, surrounded by dancing girls in the same condition. Asad Khan had the bed Ufted up, and Amir AH was carried swiftly away, still in a drunken sleep, towards Ismail Adil Shah's camp at Bidar. On the way he awoke, and cried out that he was being carried off by jins, but Asad Khan re-assured him and then read him a lecture on his debauchery which overwhelmed him with shame. In the morning he was brought before Ismail Adil Shah, who, after recounting his intrigues, ordered him to be put to death. Amir Ali Barid begged for mercy and promised to have Bidar surrendered if his life were spared. The execution was postponed, and Amir Ali was allowed to communicate with his sons in Bidar, who openly replied that their father was an old man, whose life was worth very little to them or to him, and that they would not surrender the fort. Privately, however, they informed their father that they would