Page:Historic highways of America (Volume 2).djvu/62

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arrived at Vermilion River. . . . We then traveled about three hours, through a clear high woody country, but a deep and rich soil; then came to a meadow, where we encamped.

"23d—Early in the morning we set out through a fine meadow, then some clear woods; in the afternoon came into a very large bottom on the Ouabache, within six miles of Ouicatanon. . . .

"July 25th—We set out from this place (after settling all matters happily with the natives) for the Miames, and traveled the whole day through a fine rich bottom, overgrown with wild hemp, alongside the Ouabache, till we came to Eel River, where we arrived the 27th. . . .

"28th, 29th, 30th and 31st—We traveled still alongside the Eel River, passing through fine clear woods, and some good meadows. . . .

"August 1st—We arrived at the carrying place between the River Miames and the Ouabache, which is about nine miles long in dry seasons, but not above half that length in freshes. The head of the Ouabache is about forty miles from this