Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/112

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108 HISTORIC FEINTING TYPES. Plainness of Many years ago a cynical Frenchman sneered at Eng- land as the country of a dozen religions and of one sauce. Yet Frenchmen and Englishmen, and Americans too, per- sist in a simplicity of taste concerning letters which some Extract from Revived, or an answer to Rev. Mr. Increase Mather, a book printed in New York in 1700. it t and tain of I be ^ t^ Dr^cc in [ e aw of ^ wl^om w e an tl^at w e could not t aDFint ^ only w l?av e ^ e nt t^e fop it^ Imppeccion, and pointed witl^ m e J)if fixit. i The "Harper" style. Prom the Central Type Foundry, St. Louis.