Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/47

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DUTCH TYPES. 43 S T A T V S DIVO SEVERO PIO. COLONIAVLPIATRAIANA AVG < DACLEZARMIS. I. O. M. 31OMVLO PARENTI , MARTI AV- XILIATORI, FOEU.CIBVS AVSPI' CIIS Cd-SAUlS DIVI NERV^ TRA- 2ANIAVGVSTI, CONDITA COLO- NIADACIAZARMIS,PERM.SCAV- RIANVMEIVSPRO P.R. Sunt przterea in caprovincia monies auri&argentidinflimi, ucpote Abrug- lunia , Zalathnia, 8c Kerelbania, ex qui- fciis magna vis ami & argent! fumicur, & Camera Regix pro cudendis cam au. reis quam argenteis monetis applicatur. Abrugbania dives auri oppidum, in cujus circuini rnontes mira return om- nium ferrilirate, nfqueadeo cumulative tolertiscerczvilceribus, thefauros Re- giis opibus non indignos alac nempe illi- cobrifum aurum patulis de moncium verticibus fruftulatimprztiditur,fubter quorum valles vitrd ^peilucidiamnes dccur- A page from an Elzevir duodecimo. Van Dijck types. Liberal allow- ance should be made for the worn types and the bad printing 1 of the original specimen sheet, as well as for some falling-off, even from this low standard, in a fac-simile made by the process of photo-engraving. Yet the good form and fitting-up not entirely of the Flemish Black Letters are satisfactory, but slightly obscured in the fine fac-simile of Willems : any punch- cutter might be justly proud of them. The smaller sizes of Eoman and Italic make a creditable ap- pearance, but all of the larger sizes are not so good : some are really bad. Letters more uncouth than those of the capitals of the body "Dubbelde Augustijn Kapitalen," 1 Bad printing was as common in the xvuth as in the xixth century. Blades, writing about the old Dutch types of the Enschede foundry, says: "It is difficult even for a printer to believe that the types in the old [Ensched6 specimen book of 1757] and the new [of 1870] are from the same matrices. In the old specimen books, the casting seems faulty, the fine strokes of the letters are often wanting, and the face has become so encrusted at the edges Blades on the with hard ink that the true shape is printing of completely concealed. This is espe- the xvnth. 11 -i-i J.T- i T. i century. cially visible in the large types ; but in the 1870 specimens, modern skill and careful working have done for them their best. It would not be improbable that were the great Fleischman himself to see the result, he would not recognize the types of his own cutting, as now printed." Book-worm, April, 1870.