Page:Historic printing types, a lecture read before the Grolier club of New York, January 25, 1885, with additions and new illustrations; by De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914; Grolier Club.djvu/61

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ENGLISH BLACK LETTEK. 57 Victorian Prayer-Book. It is a stately volume. I know of nothing better, of nothing so uniformly good in type, composition, and presswork as this masterpiece of the great publisher. &mon<j toljom 2Dt)omas SDomfeins, citizen of &onaon ant) T yp es of Fox ' s Meatier by ttfs occupation, Ijatl) tte first place. Jpoto tljose fj^ k c former persons rtjat Ijpttjerto tjafoe been S>pofeen of, toere all conoemneD bt> &tepfym ^artjmer,br?st)op of Mincljester, urtjtcl) tljen teas ljSl) C^auncellour: but Ijc bet?ing noto toear^, as it seemetl), of tlje pavne anu trouble, put of al ttje rest to (BftmunD HBoner, b^stjoppe of ilonuon, to be conuemneD b^ t)tnt Specimen of the Black Letter of Fox's "Acts and Monuments," from original matrices. The popular taste of our time puts aside all early forms of Black Letter as old-fashioned, and altogether too rude. That there are in some styles occasional letters of uncouth form may be admitted ; but that many of the Black Letters made in this century as improvements on the old are any better, or even as good, must be denied. Here is the Bold- <if itto von atrtr Tan Hgftt, of l>a summit antr Uolroni ! tuijnt uiottin i>r Datir satH of tljts tjio0ra)il)ir moiisrroofti) .^ Specimen of the Bold-face Black of 1825. faced Black, in high favor with many printers fifty years ago. Are the forms of capitals, improvements I Here too