Page:Historical Essays and Studies.djvu/541

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Locke, John, political theorist, 492 ; views of, reconcilable with Kant's, 270 Lodi, 6 Loftus, Lord Augustus, 224, 236, 237 Loire, army of the, 255 et seq. formidable character of, 263 ; opera- tions of, and defeat at Orleans, 265, 267 ; its fate, 267 Lombardy, Archduke Maximilian's governorship of, 155 Longland, Bishop of Lincoln, belief of, as to Henry VIII. 's first mar- riage, 29 ; and the share of Wolsey in the Divorce, 57 Lopez, treachery of, at Queretaro, 167 Lorencez, General, and the French reinforcements in Mexico, 151 Louis Philippe, Talleyrand's power over, 400 ; Talleyrand as pleni- potentiary of, 413 Louise of Savoy, her bargain with Wolsey, 7 Lowe, Sir Hudson, and Napoleon in captivity, 455 Luther, Martin, 67 contemporary degeneracy of Papacy,

national unassailability of his char- acter, 354 supporter of Catharine of Aragon, 35 views of, on bigamy, 23, 50 Wolsey's threat of joining, 39 writings against, of Bishop Fisher, 18 zeal of, 285 Lutherans, More's bitter words on, 30 Luxemburg concessions, reason of, 213 Lyons, Cardinal Ginoulhriac, Archbishop of, Thiers's candidate for the Papacy, 205 Lyons, Lord, 234 ; a blunder by, 221 Lytton, Lord, anecdote of, 421 Mabillon et la Sociitt de V Abbaye de St.-Germain-des-Pris A la fin du XVI I e Siecle, by E. de Broglie, 459 Mabillon, on Church discipline, ^65 ; on Church history, 467 Mably, 488 Macaulay, T. B. , 482 coldness of George Eliot's attitude to- wards, 288 critic of Ranke, 358 at Hawthorne's breakfast, 418 MacCarthy, Sir Charles, Lord Hough- ton's friend, 423 M'Clellan, General, belief of, in Lee,

Machiavelli, Niccolo, 79 antipathy of, to Papacy, 440 Talleyrand's master, 394, 403 MacMahon, Marshal, 394 ; the defence of Strasburg, 241 ; operations of, August 1870., 243 ; is driven to Sedan, 246 Madison, President, on majority-rule,

Magnus, Baron, Prussian Minister to Mexico, advises Maximilian to remain, 165 ; his mediation with Juarez, 168, 171 Maillard, massacres of, excused by Stephens, 494 Maine, Sir H., 345 Maistre, de, Comte's praise of, 301 on absolutism, 440 Majorities, undue weight of mere, in democracies, American views en- dorsing this, 132, 133-4 Mallet du Pan, opinion of Sieyes,

Malthus, inspired by Euler, 287 suggestions owed to, by Darwin,

Mamachi, Life of Saint Dominic, by,

Mamiani, 174 on affairs in Italy, 196 on the recognition of Italian nation- ality at the Congress of Paris, 189 Manin, Daniele, 174 ; and the Italian national party, 198 Mansuete, n 1 Manteuffel, 268 ; and the battle of Noisseville, 246 Manuscript evidence of Charles IP's change of faith, 115 et seq. Marat, character of, unusual aspect, . 494 and the massacres, 488 Marcello, Protonotary, on' seizure of treasure after death of Julius,

Marheineke, on the study of symbolism,

6 7 

Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, spurious letters of, 363 and Talleyrand, 412 treatment of, in prison, 493 Markland, 365 Marlowe, Christopher, George Eliot's dislike of, 282 Marmont and Napoleon's imperfect generalship, 444 Marmora, La, comment of, on Govone's despatches, 484 Marquez, treachery of, at Mexico city,