Page:Historical Essays and Studies.djvu/548

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writers on, the converse of Catholic writers, 368 writers on, 367 Protestantism in exile, inconvenience of, to Charles II. and his train, 87-8 Protestants, English, no monopoly by, of toleration, seventeenth century, 121 toleration promised to, by Charles II., 96 Providence, dealings of, eliminated from Buckle's scheme, 310 Priuli on the death of Alexander VI. and Cardinal Michiel, 432 Prussia, Crown Prince of (afterwards Frederick II. , q.v. ),and his army, war of 1870., 240 et seq. and the Hohenzollern candidature,

Crown Prince, marriage of, 155 Crown Princess of (late Empress Frederick), marriage of, 155 on the Hohenzollern candidature for crown of Spain, 217 future of, Duke of Wellington's pre- diction mistaken, 382 predominance of, in Germany dreaded by Bavaria, 211, and by Napo- leon III. , 227 predominance, historical believers in, , 379. 380 Prince Frederick Charles, army under, and operations of, 1870., 241 his conduct of the siege of Metz, . 2 5 8 et seq. high discipline of his forces, 256-7 operations of, against the army of the Loire, 263-5 '< at tfl e siege of Paris, 265 ; and later, 268 Prussian forces, Franco-German war, 229, 238 military system, effect of, on the constitution, 229 preliminaries to the war with France, , 229 staff, judgment of, on Wellington,

state, causes of its vigour and military efficiency, 228-9 Pucci, Cardinal, resists the Divorce, -5 Puebla, the French repulse at, 1862.,

; the fall of, 154 

Puebla, 48 Pyat, Felix, on the Presidential theory of government, 450 Quarterly Review, early articles in, 388 economic Queens, question of rule of, in England, temp. Henry VIII., 9 Queretaro, the end of Maximilian's reign at, 166 et seq. Quetelet, his theories as a statistician refuted, 317 Quinet, E. , reputation of, 282 Race, characteristics preserved irrespec- tive of climate, 341 ; Buckle's ideas controverted, 341 Raglan, Lord, on war with Napoleon,

Rance 463 ; interview with Lamy,

Ranke, the historian, 352 rank of, as a historian, 352-8, 431,

chief promoter of mediaeval studies in Germany, 375 compared with Niebuhr, 353 with Droysen, 380 Creighton compared to, 427 criticisms on his works, 357 English History by, criticism on, 357 eulogisms on, 358 historical style of, 409, 489, 502 influence of Fichte upon, 355 Memoirs of Hardenberg, criticism on,

Reformation, criticism on, 357 retractation of error, 384 Servian History, criticism on, 357 Ranke and Giesebrecht, anecdote of,

early days, 501 Ratazzi, 178 alliance of Cavour with, 180, 181, 182, 190 their national policy, 181 Raumer, German writer on Middle Ages, 351 Raynaldus, 428 Reforms, Papal, desired, 68, and why, i Regesta Leonis X., importance of, 427 Reid, T. Wemyss, friendship of Lord Houghton, 418, 424 as Lord Houghton's biographer, 418 on the Milneses, father and son, 414-5 Reimann, critic of Ranke, 357 Religious liberty, Cavour's views on, 184 how evolved in England, 121 Orders in Piedmont, secularisation of,

ordinances slighted by Alexander VI., 78 Renan, Ernest, school of thought of, 281