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defect of, as historian, 382 exoneration of the Emperor and Em- press of the French from causing the war of 1870., 205 party leader, 496 qualities as a historian, 377 at variance with views of contempor- ary historians, 500 views of the Revolution, 377 Symbolism, 366, 367, 489 Taine, M. , historical style of, estimated by Creighton, 436 records by, of Napoleon, 442 on English conversation, 416 on Buzot's character, 492 Talleyrand, after Brumaire, 448 attitude to contemporary great men, -9 appointment as cardinal prevented by Marie, 405 conqueror of Napoleon's conquerors,

criticism of great contemporaries,

depreciated by Chateaubriand, 394 design against Assembly frustrated by Louis, 406 dislike of House of Orleans, 394 and the Duke of Wellington, 381, 382 early life and misfortunes of, 402 in England, 408 low moral vitality, 399, 401, 410 Memoirs of, 393-413 different texts of, 395 ; inaccuracies of, 395 ; and omissions in, 396 ecclesiastical decorum of, 408 publication of, deferred, 394 relations with Napoleon, 410 style of, 39s and Napoleon — letter to, from Napoleon, on failure of naval tactics, 451 Napoleon's admission to, of mis- takes, 457 records of Napoleon partially de- stroyed, 442 warning of, to Napoleon, 457 official corruption of, alleged, 397-8 opposed by Russia, 393 in politics — as a political economist, 409 as a political force, described by contemporary ambassador, 404 policy of, 399, passitn as to expedient duplicity, 411 as to financial, 405-6 as to foreign affairs, 409-n glaring inconsistencies of, 401 subtlety in politics, 410 promotions of, 405 reputation, 393 ; untarnished by Vitrolles, 393 relations of, with Madame de Stael, 396-7, 409 resignation of, 393 resignation of See, 407 training, 402-5 value of correspondence from Vienna,

versatility of, 401 views on social intercourse, 404-5 Taylor, Isaac, George Eliot impressed by Ancient Christianity, 277 Teleology, historical, discarded by Ranke, 380 Temple, Sir William, on changing a national faith, 120 Temporal power, the, Cavour's attack on, 202 Tenneman, 333 Tennyson, Lord, at George Eliot's house, 297 warning of, as to Houghton's speeches, 420 Territorial greed of the French, 254 Thackeray, W. M., Lord Houghton's criticism of perversity of, 420 Theiner, critic of Ranke, 358 Theology, see also Catholic and Pro- testant ditto differential tendency of, 489 historical writers on, in Germany, 3 6 7 Theodore of Mopsuestia, 342 Thiers, A. , England's cool reception of, 487 estimate by, of Napoleon, 373 exoneration of Bismarck, and reason thereof, 205 historical deduction from, 489 proposal of, for a provisional govern- ment, 248 ; urges acceptance of the Republic, 249 ; his mission on behalf of intervention, bases of, 255 ; its failure, 260 as President, 270-71 on consolidation of Italy, 485 Thierry, 374 ; cited, 461 Thill and Benedetti, 215 Thirlwall, Bishop of, doubts of Hough- ton's theological demonstrations, 422 his influence on Lord Houghton, 415 Thirty Years' Peace, period of, favour- able to historical studies, 370 Thugut, venality of, censured by Talley- rand, 398 Thuillier cited, 469 Ticknor, 41S