Page:Historical Lectures and Addresses.djvu/375

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��Sport and Pastime — continued,

THE BADMINTON U^RMCi— continued.

Edited by His Gracb thb (Eighth) DUKE OF BEAUFORT, K.O., and


HUNTING. By His Grace the (Eighth) 1 SHOOTING. DuKB OP Beadkort. K.G., Mowbray!

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MOUNTAINEERING. By C. T. Dent, the Right Hon. J. Bryce. M.P., Sir Martin Conway, etc. With 13 PlaU^s \ and 91 Illustrations in the Text. Crown | 8vo, doth, 6.V. net ; half-bound, with gilt ! top, 9*. net. !

POETRY OF SPORT (THE). Selectetl 1 by Hedlby Peek. With 32 Plates and ' 74 Illustrations in the Text Cr. Svo, ! cloth, Qs. net ; half-bound, with gilt ' top, 9s. net. I

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SWIMMING. By Archibald Sinclair and William Henry. With 13 Plates and 112 Illustrations in the Text Cr. Svo, cloth, 6.'*. net; halMx>und, with gilt top, 9s. net.

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