Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/242

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Chorley, 1865-8; Liverpool, 1868-72; Preston, 1872-3.

MONNOUX, John, vide Harvey.

MOORE, James B., admitted May 13, 1866; ord. priest, Dec. 22, 1877; left May 8, 1878; now at Aberavon.

MORGAN, Anthony, of an ancient Northamptonshire family, related to Ant. Morgan, of Heyford, co. Northampton, Esq., whose dau. and h., Bridget, carried in marriage that manor and other estates to Sir Wm. Morgan, Knt., the royalist; went to Douay College, where assumed the name of Sanders, and matriculated at Douay Univ., Apr. 1, 1605; became S. Th. L., and subsequently canon of St. Martin's at Iprenses; sent to colonize Lisbon, and arrived Nov. 14, 1628; died in the College, Aug. 16, 1631. Wrote a curious work on the name "Anthony," approved in 1627, and pub. at Douay, 1637, vide Bibl. Dict. Eng. Caths.]] V. 474.

MORGAN, David, admitted Dec. 9, 1734; alumnus Sept. 15, 1737; ord. priest March 4, 1742; left for England, Dec. 17, 1746; placed at Bedhampton, near Havant, Hants, where he erected a chapel and presbytery, and died, Nov. 4, 1758. Mr. Thomas Talbot, subsequently Bishop, succeeded him, and paid off the debt on the chapel and house.

MORGAN, Thomas, son of John Morgan, of London, admit, under the alias of Sugar, June 9, 1642; alumnus, June 29, 1644; minor orders, Nov. 30, 1646; publicly defend ed theses, June n, 1645, and June 5, 1647; ord. priest; appointed procurator, Aug. 10, 1650.

MORLEY, James, born Feb. 18, 1777, son of James Morley and his wife Margt. Hewitt of Ince, co. Lancaster; went to the English Dominican school at Bornhem, Nov. 18, 1783 May 30, 1787, thence went to Rev. Simon George Bordley's School at Newhouse, Aughton, and in 1789 was sent to Sedgley Park School; admitted Oct. 13, 1790, on Mr. Bordley's Fund, and died in the College.

MOYNIHAN, Thomas, admitted Jan. 22, 1867; alumnus, May 17, 1875; left Dec. 12, 1875; went Hammersmith, and ord. priest July 29, 1877; at Blackheath Park, London, 1877-8; Battersea Park-road, 1878-9; Gosport, 1879-80; Sheerness, 1880, till death, Sept. 20, 1890.

MOYSES, John, vide Frankland.

MULCAHY, John, admitted Oct. 29, 1895; ord. priest Mar.