Page:Historical account of Lisbon college.djvu/32

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sively taught Philosophy and Theology, holding at the same time the office of Vice-President. As President, Father Ellis exhibited towards those confided to his care a mildness and affection truly paternal; at the end of three years he obtained leave to resign, and, after receiving the degree of Doctor of Divinity, together with the Rev. Francis Clayton, he returned to England in 1652, where, on the death of the Bishop, he was made Dean of the Chapter, 1664.

The Venerable Dean was greatly esteemed by his brethren of the Chapter, but the position he held natu rally raised him opponents in those who disapproved of the aims and existence of the Chapter.

The Abbate Aggretti, who was commissioned by the Holy See to examine into the Ecclesiastical affairs in England, September, 1669, thus refers to Dr. Ellis in his report dated December 14, following: " The Dean Ellis is extremely anxious for the confirmation of the Chapter, and is even willing that the Pope should create a new Dean and Chapter, omitting all the existing members." But Aggretti doubted whether they would assent to this sacrifice. " Ellis is noble, esteemed, learned, and mod erate, but with all tinged with Blackloism.[1]" Dodd, Church History, 3. viii.

  1. The following extract from Flanagan's Church History explains the origin of this epithet:—
    "Blacklow, or White, was a secular priest (the same who was President of Lisbon College.) He was not only a Theologian but a skilful mathematician, and was an intimate friend of both Descartes and Hobbes. When Sir Kenelm Digby, well known for his controversial correspondence with Laud, had failed to induce the Holy See to appoint a successor to Bishop Smith, he had not the humility to submit cheerfully to a decision so much at variance with his own opinion. The bitterness which he thus allowed to spring up within him he expressed in his letters to Blacklow and to Holden the celebrated author of the Analysis of Faith. This feeling instead of endeavouring to soothe and moderate, they encouraged and reciprocated, and for a time all three brooded over the adoption