Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/121

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two senators, clioscn alternately, the term being four years. C harles F ra z ie r w as elected in i 8 i 6; Sim on Sn yder, 1 8 1 8; a special election w as held in 18 19 to hll the vacajicy caused by the dcaili o f Sim on Sn yder, and Robert W il­ lett w as elected. In 18 20 Redm ond Conyngliam w as elected. in 18 2 2 the Tenth Senatorial district w as form ed o f Lu zcn iu and Colum bia, with one member. In 1824 Robert M oore w as elected. T h e term w as then changed to three years. In 18 2 7 M oore w as reelected; Jaco b Drum hcllcr, J8 3 0; U«al H opkins, 1833. A nother change o f district took place in 1830, when Colum bia and Schuylkill w ere m ade the N inth district, with one senator. Charles F ra le y w as elected in 1 8 3 7; Sam uel F . H ead­ ley, 1840. In 1843 Columbia and L u zcm c w ere again put together, as the Thirteenth district. W il­ liam S. R oss w as elected in 18 4 4; Valentine Best, 1847. In 18 50 M ontour w as added to these two counties, and the district became the Sixteenth. C harles K . Buckalew w as elected in 18 50 and reelected in 18 5 3; George I ’ . Stcclc, 1856. In 18 57 Colum bia, M ontour, N orthum ber­ land and Sn yder form ed the Thirteenth dis­ trict, and C. R . Buckalew w as elected senator, but resigned at the end o f one session. Reuben K c llc r w as elected in 1858 to fill the vacancy, and reelected in i860. D . B . M ontgomery w as elected in 1863. In 1864 Su llivan w as substituted fo r Snyder, and the district w as changed to the Fifteenth. G eorge D . Jack so n w as elected in 1866, and C . R . Buckalew in 1869. In 18 7 1 Lycom ing w as substituted fo r N orth­ umberland, and Thom as C halfan t w as elected in 1872. In 1874 the State w as redistricted, no change occurring in this district except the change of the number to the T w enty-fourth. In 1874 and again in 1876 R obert P. A llen w as elected; G eorge D. Jackso n, 1878, died in office, and E . J . M cH en ry w as elected in 1880 to fill the v acan cy; W . W . H art, 18 8 2; V eru s H . M etz­ ger, i ^ : Grant H erring, 18 9 0 : J; H enry Cochran, 1894, 189S. 1902 and 19 0 6; Charles W . Soncs, 1 9 10 and 19 14 . N o change has been made in the form ation of the district from 18 7 1 to the present ( 1 9 1 4 ) .

fo u r representatives” to the General Assembly. Sam uel Bound, Leonard R u p ert, Thomas M u rray, J r., and G eorge K ream er were elected in 1 8 1 3; D avid E . O wen, R obert Willett, Joseph Hutchison and H en ry Sh affer m 1814. In 1 8 1 5 Columbia w as made a separate dis­ trict, witJ) one member, and Jam e s McClure w as elected in that y e a r; Sam uel Bond, id 18 16, 1 8 1 7 and 1 8 1 8; Jam es M cC lure, 1819; Jo h n Sn yder, 18 2 0; Jo h n C lark, 18 2 1. In 18 2 2 the county w as given tw o members, and W illiam M cB rid e and A lexan d er Colley w ere elected, and reelected in 1 8 2 3; John .Mc­ Reynolds and E li Thornton, 18 2 4; John M cR eynolds and W illiam M cB rid e, 18 2 6; John M cR eynolds and Cliristian B ropst, 18 2 7; John M cReynolds and Jo h n Robinson, 1828. T h e representation w as reduced to one mem­ ber in 1829, and Jo h n Robinson w as elected; U zal H opkins, 18 30 and 1 8 3 1; Isaac Kline, 18 32 and 1 8 3 3; Jo h n F . D err, 18 34 and 1835; E v a n O . Jackso n, 18 3 6; Jo h n Ik>wman, 1837; W illiam Colt, 18 38 an d 18 3 9; Daniel Snyder, 1840. 18 4 1, 1842, 18 4 3; Thom as A . Funston, 1844 and 18 4 5; Stew art Pierce, 1846, 1847. 18 4 8; Benjam in P. Fortn er, 1849. In 18 50 Columbia and M ontour w ere joined in a district, and Jo h n M cR eynolds w as elected; M . E . Jackson in 1 8 5 1; G eorge Scott. i 8 u and 18 5 3 : Jam e s G . M axw ell, 18 5 4; Jo h n G. M ontgom ery, 18 5 5; Peter E n t, 1856. In 18 57 Colum bia. M ontour, Sullivan and W yom ing w ere put together, with tw o mem­ bers. and Peter E n t and Jo h n V . Sm ith were elected; G eorge A . Jackso n a n d -----------------O akes, 1858 and 18 5 9; H . R . K lin e a n d --------O sterhaut, i8 6 0 : L e v i L . T a lc and Tutton, 1 ^ 1; G . D . Jackso n and J . C . Ellis. 1862 and 1863. In 1864 Colum bia and M ontour w ere made a district, and W . H . Jacoby w as elected tliat ye ar and 18 6 3; Thom as C halfan t. 1866 and 18 6 7; G eorge Scott, 1868 and 18 6 9 : Thom as C halfant, 1R70. In 1 8 7 1 Columbia w as placed alone, and C. B . Brockw ay w as elected, and reelected in 1872 and 187.3. In 1874, in ,'iccord.ancc with the provisions of the new constitution. Colum bia w as m ade a separate district, and given two m em bers, and the term o f office w as fixed at two years, E . J . M cH cn rv and S . P . R van being first elected; E . T. M cH cn rv and D avid S . B row n, 18 7 6; T . I. Vand<*r«Hce and Joseph B . K nittle, 1878 M em bers o f G enerai A ssem bly and 18 8 0 : Bn-son and T . J . V andcrB y the Eighth section of the act creating slice. 18 8 2 : A . L . F ritz and W illiam B ryson , Columbia county in 1 8 1 3 it w as provided "that 18 8 4 : A . T-. F ritz and Jam e s T . F o x, 18 8 6; the inhabitants of the counties o f Northum ­ Tames T . F o x and W illiam K rickbaum . 18 8 8; berland. Union and Columbia shall join tly elect W illiam K rickbaum and E . M . T ew ksbu ry.