Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/19

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Klecirtc Lig1it> DaoriUc. ..50, KJecCrie Railroads 50, 295 K lw «ll, Judge W illia m ......... .......................... ^ 319, 823 Emmet. Jobn ........................ H i Efiter|iri»c Foundry A MacbiDe W orks ..................... 331 EpiscojMliana (iY o te a U n t).. 342* 232 Evangelical Denomination .. 314, 322 Evans, Judgo Ctiarlos C ....... 70, 314, 431 Excliango ....... 382 Excbango Mall .......................326 Fairs, County ................. 32 Famine ................................ lo? FYrmrrs. Prominent ........... 3fi Finney. Robert .................... 394 Fire Companiea, Danville. •. • 376 H o o d s .............................. 33^ 369 Foot and Mmitb D iaeaae.... 3Q Formation o f Townahipa.. . . 3,a6 Forla. Pionoer 9. liM , 21L 221 Koimdrira. Early, Danville.25,328 Franklin Court .................... Praxcr, Daniel ...................... 2^2 Fraser, Jobn, Recolloctiona.. ?t76 Free S eh o o U .......................... 30h Prick, A. J ................................ 317 Frick, Arthur W ..................... :ti7 Frick, Dr. Clarence U ........... Frick, Ocowre A .................... Friendsbip Fire i^ n p a n v 326 Frontier F o r t * . i f l l l 2 i L 222 Fruitatown (W liile H a l i l . . . 382 Furnace, V ’alley .....................461 Furnacea .. 12, 21* 383 Galbrailb. Tbomaa J ............. 318 Gaa lig h t. D anville.............. 32x Gaakina, Thomaa .. .... 284 GoArhart. Cbarlea P . _____ 326 Gearhart, Edward S ............. 316 Gearhart Families ............. ........... 39H, 449. 455, i H , 638 Geisingcr, George F 36s. am Geisiiiger, George F., Memo­ rial Hospital ..................... 365 Views ...................365. 366. 36H Grtsinger, Mrs. George 5^.365. 4j O h B i r t h p l a c e and Home (V iew s) ............................ 486 G e o lo g y ................................. 21 Gilaon Family .. ................. 328 Gibson. S choolm aster 363 Glendower Iron Works. .. . 331 Good W ill lIoAc C om pan y... 316 Goodman, l^ itip ......... 338 G ra n g e r s ............................... jn Grier Families ....... 2H3. 317. 411 Grier, Rer. Isaac 2£3, 3 3 2 , 411 Grier, L X ........................ 317, 411 Grier, Hon. Robert C ............... 3 U Oriaimills, Old ......... 33 View .....................................32a Grovania ............................... ion Grove Furnaces .................... 333 Gulica, John C ...................... 2S2 Harpel, Dr. Francis E . . .398. 3 1 3

HISTORICAL INDEX Hartman. W illiam ............... 2^2 Hauser, Dr. Raymond J . , 324, 93S Hebrew Synagogue ............. 355 Herring, Judge G rant 70, 313 High School. D anvtU e.. 374 llincklev, Judge Ueury M . . . .........................68, 313, 318,118 iliMX. 1060 ..............................323 Holfa. Dr. Jacob P ................. 316 llospituls— For Insane ........................ 226 View..................................... 226 George F. Geisingor........... 261 Viewa .............. .365, 36^ 36H Hotels, Danville .....................368 Howe A Samuel Steel Plant. 331 llow cllville ............................ 368 Hughi*s, K lU s ................... 203, 362 Ilutchinsons ............ 366 Heeler, Judge KUjab R ......... 69, 126 Insane, State ITospiUI for, Danville ............................. 326 Views .................................. 360 Institutes, Tcuchers*............. 310 Institutioas, Fliilantbropic, Danville ............................ 360 Internal Improvements— (Vmnty ................................ 293 D a n v ille 295, 321 Internal Improvement Ryatern. State .. .......................221 Iron .. 16 Iron M i l l s .............................. 34 Iron M in e s .............................. 368 Jack. Rcv. Alexander B 311 Jai*anese Emlmsay H o a x .... 383 .lonnston, W illiam C ............... 342 .loritan. Judgo A le x a n d e r.... 312 Judges • •tssAcinte ..................... 212* 326 Presiilent ............................ 311 Judicial D iitricta.65. 70, 311, 312 K a rk n a s e ................................. 32S Kase, Simcm V 289. 336 Kelso, Prof. John M ............. 307 Kirk. Kcv. James W., D. D, ....................................... 34K 226 Kirk ham. Samuel ........... 2H3, .106 KUner. Ralph ..........................BAD Knitting M ilK DanvUIo 222 I,Aundrles. D a n v ille ................. 336 licgislfttive Districts, .g o , 26* 222 Is*idy, Paul ............ ZH Lewis. Judg^ E llis 2& 21X Liberty Fumaee ................... 361 Liberty T o w n s h ip ................. 381 Librarr, Thomas Beaver Frco 362 View ....................................221 Light tier. Rev. Edwin N 312 Limestone Q u a rrie s 20, 390 Limestone T o w n sh ip ............... 366 T^imesioneville .................... 390 Limestoneville Institute, .2 6 L 362 Tattle, Judge Robert K ......... 69, 2 1 i 418 Taindy. J o h n ............................ 2 as I,4indy. Rev. John P 286

Lutherans ................... 344. 352. 354. 39L 393. 395, 399, 4 ^ 121 M odure, €kpL W illiam M. .......................................22S, 266 McCormick, James ............... 292 McHenry. B. Frances............. 320 McHenry. Dr. M on traville... ........................... 322* McNcal. Ann .......................... 282 McWilliams Pumilv . . . . .394, 581 MagiU. Dr. W illiam U ......... .............................. m , 321, 321 Mahoning P r e s b y T o r i a n CliurcU ..................................338 Mahoning T o w n s h ip ............. 362 Mahoning Township, Old Tax L is t ................................... 362 Market Square Park. Danville 326 5farr, Alem ..................... 314. 326 Martin Fam ily ..................... 5S3 Maua Fam ilv ........................ l i 32^ 2 ^ 400, 407, i l l hfaus, PliilHp .......................... 2S1 5fausda1e ............................... 401 Mausdale Gristmill, Built in IWIO ..................................... 161 V w w ....................................328 ktayberry T o w n sh ip ............. 368 Mcchaniesrille ........................ 362 Memorial i^ rk . D a n v ille... 372 Meredith, Dr. Hugh B ....... .............................. 322* 2S2* ^ Metal A .Machine C o 328. 33S M etal Engineering Company ..................................... 2 2 5 ,335 MetlKxlist RpUeopal Denom­ ination. .. 342. 353. 2 i L 15L 394. .22aL 522* 22L 22L 222* ^ (^ u iu 60, 212 htethodists. Pn roitivc . . . . . . 390 Mexican W ar, Montour County Soldiers ................................162 M ilitary Record .................. 2»Jfi Montgomery, Gen. D a n iel... .................... 221. 222. iiS L 182 Montgomery F a m i l y ......... 12* 128 Monlgomery. «7obn C ....... 3ia Montgomery, .lobn G ....... 318 5fontgomery. Gen. W illia m .. 278, 612 Home at Danville (V ie w ). 328 5fontgomery, Judge W illiam 28L Montgiunery. Rev. W illiam B. 281 Montour County. H istorr o f. 223 Montour County Agricultural Society ................. 32 Montour County Medical So­ ciety ............................. 15 Montour. Madame . . . . . . . 1 * 213 Montour R i f l e s ................... 168 Monument, S o ld ie r s ' 321 View ................................... 212 >fooresbu rg.......................... -105 Mourer, L. K ........................391 Muster Rolls, Chapter T V ... ^96 National G u a r d .......................304 Nationnf Iron Comnanv. .331. 33 4 Newlmker. Dr. Phtllp C. JJSL 616 K ew Coltimbta ............. . . . 461 Newspapers. D a n v ille 338