Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/216

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A . W. H arvey. William Bcrkcy, M rs. Jennie B crkcy. Miss Blanche Bcrkcy, M iss Maine Berkey. M rs. O. M . Mess, M iss Ida Berkey, Albert C. Young, M rs. Jessie Young, H arry O. M cH enry, M rs. W. F . M cEw en, M rs. Jen ­ nie Mann, Mrs. Lizzie Hartman, M rs. Einora L . Trcscott. T he present church, a neat frame, seating about 225 persons, w as erected in 1905 and dedicatcil Ju ly 29, 1906. Its loU l cost was $7,000. The congregation is about 200, and the Sunday school. 150. l l i e pastors have Ijccn: Rev. I.. O. Knipp, who preached for a time as su pply; Rev. H. J . Dutlley. the first .settled p astor; Rev. George C. Z c ig lcr; Rev. Theodore B . Shaffer, who was accidentally killed while assisting at the con­ struction o f a tabernacle in 19 13 fo r the Slough evangelistic cam paign; and Rev. C. M . lam s, who came in March, 19 14, and is still occupying the pulpit. T he ciders o f this church in 19 14 a r e : K. P . M cH enry, S . S . Michael, A . C. Young, O. M . H ess; deacons: Milton Sitler, L evi Blank, Luther Coates, Charles Zimmerman, Charles W oolley, Charles M cH enry, John Hartman. John Kyttle, John Wilson. C a r le s Chamber­ lain.

ice in the Austrian army. His successor was Father John N. Dannekcr, o f Lock Haven. Pa., who took chaige in 19 14 . Father Petro­ vits spoke and read nine languages; Father Dannekcr speaks only three. These ri^uircments are necessitated by the many nationali­ ties represented in the congregation.

Z u in g li R efo rm ed Church

Rev. M. M . Alibeck, the pastor o f Holy T rinity Lutheran Church o f Berwick, made a canvass of the territory now known as West Berwick and. as a result o f his labors, organ­ ized a Sunday school M ay 26. 19 0 1. T he first session was held in the old “ White schoolhouse’’ in the afternoon with fifty-three per­ sons in attendance. Rev. M r. Alibeck first acted as superintendent, until the election of R u fu s Funk to fill the position. T he other officers were as fo llo w s: Adam Smith, assist­ ant superintendent; .A. G . Birt, secretary; W . C. Bond, treasurer; M iss Emma Pullen, o r­ ganist. .After the session o f Sunday school on M ay 4, 1902, Rev. M r. Allbeck issued the call fo r the organization o f a congregation. A consti­ tution and by-laws were at once adopted. T he following persons were elected and installed as the first church officers: Deacons— Dean Funk, F . V. Hildebrand. William Pullen. Elders— Charles Pullen, George H. M yers, Samuel Michael. T he charter members of the congregation w ere: 1)0.10 Funk. Georjgc H. M yers. Mrs. George M yers, Samuel Michael. Mrs. Samuel Michael, W illard Micliael, W illiam Pullen, M rs. William Pullen, Charles Pullen. Emma Pullen, Z . T . Kcaglc, F. V. Hildebrand.

was established in i<^3 and the same year the fram e building on Vine street w as built. The congregation numbers about ninety, and the present pastor is Rev. D. J . Ely. Roman Catholics St. M ary’s Roman Catholic Church was es­ tablished m 1902, and the present handsome fram e church on M ulberry and Cemetery streets w as built in 1903. Some services were held in Berwick during the building of the canal, but the <lc(>arture of the workmen who had formed the congregation caused the services to he ab.vndoncd fo r a time. Father J . R. Murphy, pastor of the Blooms­ burg Church, organized a mission in Ber­ wick in 1902. and in (he following year suc­ ceeded in getting together funds fo r the erec­ tion of the present church. H e continued to serve the Berwick Church until his departure fo r Hanover. Pa., where he Is now in charge o f St. Vincent’s Church. Father Joseph Petrovits w as the next pas­ tor, serving until the bc^nning of the great Eurcqican war. when he volunteered fo r serv­

Sah'alion A rm y T he Salvation A rm y has hccn established in Berwick fo r ten years and has done excellent work among Ihe poor and needy. The local corps is under the chaigc o f Captain Hen­ derson. W E S T R E R W IC K C H U R C H E S

With a large foreign population, speaking ten or more different la n ^ a g c s or dialects. W est Berwick is providco with many small churches, most of them missions, and all built since the growth of the ]>opulation o f Berwick forced the laying out o f this separate borough beside the older one. Grace Lutheran Church