Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/237

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opposite their old site. The completed build­ ing was dedicated in 1893. it lias been re­ peatedly improved and enlarged, and in 19 14 an addition w as made to the Sunday school of a g)'mnasium and meeting halls, costing $10 ,000. The value of the church building alone is placed at $18,000. During the 1 1 8 years o f its existence this church has had but fourteen pastors, and but four since its occupation of the present build­ ing. They w ere: Rev. M r. Seely, 17 9 5 : Rev. G. V. Stochs, 17 9 6; R ev. Frederick Plitt, 1808; R ev. Peter ila fl, 1 8 1 7; Rev. Peter Kessler, 18 2 0; Rev. Jerem iah Schindlc, 1 8 3 1; Rev. W'illiam J . Kyer, 18 3 7 : Rev. William Laitzel, 18 7 4; Rev. [-. Lindenstrculh. 18 7 8; Rev. J . H. Neiman, l 8 S l; Rev. E . L . Reed, 18 9 2; Rev. Peter Altjwtcr, 1808; Rev. W illiam J . Nelson, 190 6: and Rev. J . 11. Sandt, the present pastor, who came March 28. 1909. The present officers of the church a rc : Church council— Rev. J . I L Sandt. C . L . Pohe (president), J . G. Nelson (secretary), Jolm B. Fortner (treasu rer), D. E . Billcg. H. A. Billeg. K. E . Longenberger, D. E . Nuss. P . J . Dcancr, P . II. Sbuinan, N*. C. Creasy, C. E . K rcishcr. Dr. A . Shuman, Paul Henry, John Miller. William Fedder, Burton Fortner, G. A. F-'ckroat, Jam es Hartman. Trustees— William T . Creasy, J . E . Clayton, E . F . W eaver, C . G. Smith, ^^muel Eckroat, J . W. Kitchen. T he large memlHTship of the church council is due to the fact that many of the memlicrs arc railroad men, liable to calls o f duty at any hour, and there is danger of the lack o f a quonim at calle<l meetings of the council. The membership of the church is 420, and of the .Sumlay school 350. Financially the church is in very prosperous condition. S t. hfatlheti-'s Church The rapid increase o f English speaking per­ sons during the term of Rev. William J . E yer caused him to suggest a division of the con­ gregation. and a meeting was held for this pur­ pose Ju n e 25. 1845. a committee was appointed to draft a constitution, and in 1850 St. M at­ thew’s Evangelical I.iilhcran congregation w as incorporated, the memlxrrs being: William J . Eyer, pastor; Stephen Baldy. Peter Bodine, elders: C. G . Brobst. Daniel G ew ell, deacons; Michael Brobst, treasurer: mcml>crs. J . B. K essler, William Y oder. Francis De.m. Jacob K reigh. John Hartman. S . D. Rcinard, Peter Strieker. Ephraim Brobst. Joseph Breisch, Benjam in Miller. From the time of the organization o f this

congregation it continued to worship in the parent church, with R ev. William J . E yer a s pastor (preaching every two w eeks), until the English church w as completed, the building o f which w as commenced by taking up sub­ scriptions on the 3d o f August, 1849. T he list w as headed by Stephen Baldy with $10 0 , or a lot on which to build the church. The lot w as taken on which the church now stands. Quite a number o f subscriptions followed, ranging in amounts from $7 5 down. .After having received in cash and subscriptions at home some $2,500, which was not enough, resort was had to ask aid from friends abroad. A second subscription list was written, which commissioned Hon. Stephen Baldy to receive such donations as the liberal minded were d is­ posed to give into bis hands. Equip]>ed with this document Mr. Baldy went to Philadelphia and collected from h is merchant friends and others between three and four hundred dollars. T his in addition to that collected at home warrantc<l the con­ gregation to commence building. T he church w as finished some time in 1850. and either in Jan u ary or Februaiy, 1851 (no records), w as de<licalc<l. the dc<licaiory sermon being <lclivered by Rev. P. W illard, o f Danville. P a. The congregation continued lo be served h y Rev. V. J . E yer until 1862, when he resigned because his pastorate w as entirely too large, la'ing conqiosed o f four or more congrrarti<)i>^Kcv. J . F. W anqwlc succeeded Rev. Kyer in Ju ly, 1862, and resigned in Ju ly, 1864. N ext came Rev. J . R . Dimin, D. D.. in August, i8<»4, and remained until t866. It was during his pastorate (liat the congregation left the Ministcriiim o f Pennsylvania and united with the East Pennsylvania Synod. It has since united with the Susquehanna Synod. Rev. D. Bcckner took charge of St. Matthew's, also of the Vought Church, M ay 12, 1867, and left the charge in i86<). Rev. S . S . Curtis became jk is lor in 1870 and served until the spring o f 1872. A student of theology from Selinsgrovc by the name o f C. S . Coates w as then called to supply the congregation fo r three months, commenc­ ing Ju n e 9. 1872. In September. 1872. Rev. R . F. Kingsley w as elected and took charge, remaining but one year. Then a long vacancy occurred, with several unsuccessful attempts to elect a pastor, until the election o f Rev. E . S. I.cisenring, who served a s a supply until June, 1875, when he accepted, and remained until 187X. It is on record that Rev. F . P . Manhart. D. D.. supjdicd the church in 1878 for a period o f six months. On Feb. 2. t 8 ^ . the congre­ gation elected as pastor Rev. J . F . Dicncr. who