Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/409

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The M aster sat |uticntly at Jaco V s well and broke the bread o f life to a poor and sin­ ful female. H ow like his Atasler it was for him, when taking his daily rounds among his un fortunate patients and meeting a poor, de­ mented woman, whose delusion was lliat her food w as jioisoncd, to sit gently down beside her and wm her to conlideiicc by luuiscif eat­ ing from her humble b o w l Dr. Schultz com­ manded the respect and reverence o f all who labored under him, the trust and love o f all his patients, and the unbounded coiifidencc of the entire community in which he moved. The rlemenls were So mixed in him (hat Nature might stand up. And say to all the world, this was a man? A fte r D r. Schultz's death his first assistant. Dr. Hugh B . Meredith, sumredcd him as superintendent, and has held (hat responsible position ever since. An account o f D r. Mere­ dith and his professional work will lie found in his biographical sketch. The present hospital staff is as follow s: Supcrintcmlcnt and physician, H . B. Mere­ dith. M . D .; assistant pliysicians, Jam es £ . Robbins, M . D., William H . Krickbaum. M. D., E . S . Shellenberger, M. D., Jam es S. Hammers, M . I)., Frank D. Glenn, M. I)., L. R. O iam berlain. M . D., G. B. Si, Free, M. D .; woman physician, Ida Ashenhurst. M, D .: surgeons, Reed Bum s, M . D., Gran­ ville T . Matlack, M. I) .; dentist, I. H. Je n ­ nings. D. D. S .; opJithalm olc^st, J . J . Brown. M, I) .; su|>erintendcnt o f nurses, Henrietta Y . M cCorm ick; steward, Howard B. Schultz; clerk, William H . O rth; dniggisi, Harvey F ra n k; housekeeper, Mrs. K ate D. Rhoades; su penisors, Thom as Swank, Mrs. J . B. Jo r ­ d an; musician. Edith Bcnford. T rustees: William Field Sliay, president; William F . Ixiw ry, secrelar)*;!. X . G rier, E s q .; Roliert J . P cg g; Olin F . Harv^ey, M . D .; Herbert T . Ilc c h t; Edward Brennan: Samuel D. Tow nsend; Theodore Rciimeyer, Thom as B ea ver F re e /.t7>rarv T his institution, which has contributed so much to the happiness and to the intellectual advancement of the whole community, had its inception in an effort to build an Addition to the Mahoning Presbyterian Church which would give increased facilities to young men fo r mental development. In the spring of 1886 the pastor of the Mahoning Church. Rev, Roliert I.. Sicw,art, together with some o f his workers, felt that it woubi be a source

o f great benefit to the work among young men i f roonu» could be provided in the church building, where young men could gather in the cx’cning and be supplied with reading m at­ ter that would lie elevating and helpful in the fomiatiuii o f Christian character, inhere was no Voung Men's Christian Association at that time in l)anvillc, and indeed no other place under Christian itifiucnce where young men could gather. M r. T h on u s Ueavcr, who had so much at heart the interests of the young men of the town, was apjicaled (o for help in carrying out this project. .Mr. Beaver at once took a <leq> interest in the matter and looked the grouiul over at the church, with a view to the erection o f such an a<ldition to the building as would accomplish the object sought after, lie fore, however, any definite plan o f hiiilding had been fonned. or (he movement put on a prac­ tical basts, Mr. B eaver had carried the p b n to a much larger and broader scope tlian any­ one else had darctl dream o f. A few day< a fte r the meeting on the church grounds Mr. Beaver came to one of the parties interested and harule<l him the following pa]ier: “ Reading rooms and Librar>* Association. “ Trustees o f M. E . P .” (Mahoning Engli^h Presbyterian) “ Church to nominate president. Official Board o f St. PauTs vice president. Shimlel. l^uthcran, secretary. “ Board o f Directors to he nominated by St. Peter's Episcopal, Lutheran, Baptist, Grove. Trinity, German Lutheran. German Reform ed. Evangelical, W elsh, on a tic the president to have the casting vote. Officers to lie cx-officio mcmhers of the Board. “ No books to l)C taken from the I.ibrary. “ Each of the above ruined directors lo have the right to name which o f thcir church paper< and reviews shall lie taken. Politics must, as fa r as possible, be excluded, yet one o r more of the organs of the various |K>litica1 parties shall be taken. .Among the monthlies. I would suggest the North Review, Popular 5 >cience Monthly, Atlantic, the Century and I.ippincoll’s, American Edition of the Edin­ burgh. Westminster and B!ackw*oo<l’s : one copy of the lyondon Weekly Times. I would exclude alt the denominational reviews. I will (provided the foregoing formula can I»c satis­ factorily arranged so as to secure harmontoiK and united action) donate the Cliambcrlin house fo r the purpose and S2.000 to form the nucleus fo r the L ibrary and an endowment of 820.000. ( $ 2 0 XKi0 . Catawissa F're ferret!— S r .330.) “ An entrance fee o f 25 or 50 cents a family