Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/427

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Jam c5 Auld, who lu d liccomc county commis­ sioner. 1877— WiUiam C. W alker, bui^css; David Clark, C. A . Heath, A . B. Patton, John A . W ands. counciIn»en. 1878—Jam es Foster, burRcss; J . V. K ecly. Stephen Johnson, Jam es W elsh, Thompson Foster, councilmcn. 1879 — Jam es Foster, burgess; William Angle, one y e a r; P. Johnson, three years; S . Trumbower, Jacob Goldsmith, H. It. Strickland, Lew is Rodenhoffer, one year. i88<>—Joseph Hunter, burgess; William Angle, William Keiner,' Hugh Pursel, Nicholas H ofer, councilmcn. 18 8 1—^Joseph Hunter, reelected b u ^ e s s; A . G . Voris, P. K ccfcr. Henr>’ L . Gross. Jam es Welsh, councilmcn. William G . Gaskins w as clerk to the council for twenty years and w as succeeded by Capt. George Lovett in 1874. In 1879 J . Sw cisfort was chosen clerk and he was succeeded by Charles M. Zuber. Among the street commis­ sioners were Emanuel Peters. Daniel McClow, William C. W alker. O liver Lenhart and Mr. Fau x. T h e street commissioner is also ex­ officio collector of the market tax, and pre­ sumedly a sort of inspector o f that institution. 1882—Josepli Hunter, burgess; B . R . G ear­ hart. S . A . Y orks. D. B. Fetterman, F . C. Derr, councilmen. 1S83— S. Y . Thompson, burgess; J . K . Geringer. Hugh Pursel. Henry Divel, David Grove, councilmen. 1884— S . Y . Thompson, burgess: H . M. Tnim liower, J . H. Montague, W. K . Holloway. H . A . Knciblcr, councilmen. 188^— Joseph Hunter, burgess: Jacob M oyer, (^ o rg c Edmonson. G w rg e Maiers, Edw ard H ofer, councilmcn. l8 8 6 ~ Joseph Hunter. bu 9;ess; Jo h n W. Sheriff, W. C. W alker, Henry L. Gross, S . A . Y orks, councilmcn: clerk of the town council, .dolf Steinbrenncr; attorney, Jam es Scarlet; treas­ urer. G c o ^ c P. B row n; surveyor, Gcotge W. W e st; high constable, ^ n L o w : street com­ missioner, J . R . lliiU p s; chief o f fire depart­ ment, W. V. D av is; chief o f police, V. S . Baker. From 1886 (he records arc incomplete and some of them arc entirely gone. The hurgesses who have scn-c<l from that time arc as follow s: Joseph Hunter served until 1893 or '94 and was succeeded by Thom as J . Price. M r. Price, in 1897, was succeeded by Jam es Foster. In i<jot John A. M oyer wa> elected burgess, but died shortly a fte r and .Alhcrt Kemmcr was ajipointed. but served only a few days and w as succee«le<l by William G . Pursel. first by apjiointment and then by election. Mr. Pursel w as succeeded, in 1906, by William J . Rogers, who, in 1909, w as succeeded by A . C.

.Amcsbury. ]n (9 13 George B . Jacobs, the present iHirgess, was elected. T he couttcilmen at the present time arc: F irst W ard— Kdw ard Purpur, J . K. M . Curry. Samuel C. Rebman. Second W ard—John L. Morgan, William lies, William G- Reese. Third W ard—Jam es F in n ^ a n, K. W. Peters. Clarence Price. Fourth W ard—Jam es P. Connollcy, John Peckworth. William J . Pickens. SCHOOLS

A sketch u f the Danville .Academy and the DanviUe Institute will be found in Chapter V. on schools o f Montour county. F o r twenty years the schools of the liorough and of the balance of the county have been under sepa­ rate management. In 1895 J . C . H ouser was elected borough superintenuent, taking the carc of the liorough schools out of the hands of the county super­ intendent. M r. H ouser held this (losition until 19 0 1. and was succeeded by U- L . G ordy. who held the position until 1907. In that year the present superintendent. I). X . Dieffcnkichcr, w as elected, and has served during all of the period since. TJie fireseni list o f teachers, with ih d r schools, is a s follow s: High school, com er o f Mahoning and Pine streets—J . C. Carey, principal; langtuge, J . C. C are y: science and mathematics. J . 11. Gas­ kins; English. Katherine Bennetts; history and mathematics. Fred V. D iehl; commercial bninches. F . W. Magill. First Ward school, in high school building — F ifth and sixth grades, .Alice G uest; fourth grade, W inifrcil E v a n s: third grade. Helen T o o e y : second grade. M artha K e im; first grade. Jeannette J ’ickard; janitor. Howard R c j^ r t . S « o n d W ard school, Irast Front street— Rachel Goodali, principal; seventh and eighth grades, Rachel Goodali; fifth and sixth grades. Alary C . W elsh; fourth grade, Jennie Scott; third grade. Elizabeth G ulick; second grade. .Anna T.loyd; first grade, .Alice Sm u ll: janitor. J . H. Woodside. Third W ard school, com er Bloom and Pine street*— A lice B ird, principal: eighth grade. .Alice B ird : seventh gra<lc. Tillie Ja m e s; sixth graile. Verna Ree<l: fifth grade. M arie Roney: fourth grade, Annie H enrie; third grade. Greta U dclhofen; second grade. I larrici Boudm an; first grade, Jennie I..awrencc: janititf. Cliarles Ware. Fourth W ard school, com er Centre and