Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/611

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES p.irciu$ o f a large fam ily, v iz .; ( i ) William Uoyrl, bom in 1639. who lives a l No. 9 East M arket street. Danville, married Elizabeth, ilaughtcr o f Thom as Butler, and they have had Elizabeth Boyd and M ary Atta. the former the w ife o f R . Scott Ammcrman and the m other o f four children, Koliert Boyd, Wil­ liam Kdgar. Elizabeth Christine and Dorothy A tta . M ary A tta is a nurse .it Fountain S jirin g s hospital, A’shland, I’a. ( 2 ) Acsah. liorn .March 18, 18 4 1. died A pril 3. 18 4 1. ( 3 ) G eoige M .. twin, was bom M arch 18. t ^ i, on his father's birthday, in the s.imc room where his father w as liom . ( 4 ) Bon* luim R . w as bom M ay 20, 1843. ( 5 ) Jam es U.. born Oct. 26. 1844. died M ay i, 1 ^ 6 . (6 ) Ja s p e r Boyd, liorn Oct. 26. 1845. at Ihe corner o f Bloom and Walnut streets, Dan­ ville. married (first) Florence Y o rk s and a fte r her death M argaret Thompson Gearhart, widow o f W illiam Gearhart, and has one daughter, Emma G rier, m arried to Charles Fisher. ( 7 ) .Alexander Montgomcrj', bom at Danville Ju ly 26. 1847. died .April 24. 19 0 1. l*'or many years he w as station agent at Dan­ ville fo r the Delaware, 1.ackawanna & W est­ ern Kailw .iy Company. H e married Martha M cC oy, daughter o f Robert and Eleanor ( V o r is ) M cCoy, and they had two children, N ell flonham and Jasp er (the daughter mar­ ried William L . M cG u re and had three chil­ dren. H arold Russel, Donald C . and Mont­ g o m e ry ). (8 ) M . G ricr, born in December, 1849. completed the family. IkixiiAM K. G e a r h a r t, J r ., son o f Dr. Bonham R . (icarhart, was Ixirn M ay 20. 1843, at Turliotvillc. Northumberland Co., P a., and died in March. 1904, at Danville. Montour county, where he had reside<I for many years. H e received a public school education, and during his boyhood was a rierk in .1 store at W rightsvillc. Y o rk Co.. I ’a. A fte r serving five years a s clerk he learned telegraphy, an<l w as enmloycd as operator and agent at Cata­ w issa, r a .. serving in that position until 1863. In October, 1865. he became teller of the First National Bank o f Danville, hcing in that )x>sition but a short time when he was promoted to cashier. T he bank w as established Ja n . 25. 1864, a charter being obtained from the gov­ ernment by the first board o f directors, who w ere as follow s: Sam uel Y o rk s, (ieorge F. Geisinger. Christian fjiubach, G tarles Fensterm achcr. William Y o rk s. Fre<l Pciper and G. f l . Fowler. A t their first meeting .S.imuel Y o rk s w as chosen president and W. A . .M. G ric r cashier. T he bank w as located in what w as known as the .A. F . Ku.sscl store, on the

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com er o f M ill and Bloom streets: the second floor w as used for residence purposes, the first floor being occupied by the kin k ,ihd ofltces. It is still in the same location aud building. M r. Gearhart continued to act as cashier until Sept. 19, 1898. when he bcc.inic presi­ dent. officiating a s such until the time o f his death. He was one of the most prominent and highly respected citizens o f l>anvine. where he received n u n y honors at the hand> o f his fellow men, serving in the city coun­ cil, as treasurer of the State Hospital at Dan­ ville. and as treasurer of the T h o u u s Beaver I'rc c IJb ra ry . He w as a trustee of the Grove Presbyterian Church aud served as treasurer of the building committee when the church built. Socially he a Knight Tem plar M a­ son, and in politics he was a strong Republi­ can. In 1863, during the C ivil w ar, he en­ listed in a Pennsylvania regiment, under Col. W ashington Ram sey, in Company D, and served the full tenn o f his enlistment. M r. G earhart w as married in 1870 to M ary [.ouisc Y o rk s, a daughter of Samuel and .Mary .Ann Y orks, and lo this union were liom two children. Anna M . and Robert Y . Anna M. is the w ife o f M. G ricr You ngnu n, who is cashier of the Danville National Bank o f Dan­ ville, son o f John C . V'oungman, and they are the jiarents o f three children. Mar)' John Bonham and M argaret Emma. M r. and Mrs. Gearhart had a handsome home on Bloom street. Robert York.s Gearhart was liom Sept. 9, 1876. at Danville, and received his early edu­ cation in the public schools, graduating from high school. H e took his higher course at lu fa y c ttc College, l^ sto n, E’a. In A pril. 1898. he enlisted for service in the .^ an ish .American w ar, joining Company F, I2 lh Pennsylvania V’oluntccrs, and w as made cor­ poral m a month, serving as such until mus­ tered out, in Gclober, 1898. In 1899 he at­ tended Pratt’s business college in Brooklyn. X . Y .. in i<xx) entering the Fourth Street N a ­ tional Bank. I’hiladelphia. where he held the position o f teller. In December. 190T. after the death o f S . .A. Y orks, he w as appointed teller of the F irst National Bank o f Danville, and on Sept. 16, 1902. became assistant cash­ ier. in which ca|>acity he has since lieen re­ tained. H e is one of the most rcsjicctcd residents o f Danville, holding a high posi­ tion in the regard o f all who knew him. In A pril, 1908. he w as elected first lieutenant o f Comiiany F . I2 th Infantry. Pennsylvania National G uard, and in Dccemlier, 1910, was appointed Ixittalion adjutant, b'ratemally he