Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/635

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COLUNfBlA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES and lithc^raphin^ business in the same city» and with which he remained for two years. In 1872 he removed to Berwick, Pa., and was elected superinten<lent of the Berwick KoUing M ill Company’s pUint there. From time (0 time he acquired other interests, until he was associated with nearly all the leading enter­ prises of the town, "in 1876 he was elected teller of the first National Hank o f Berwick, in 1879 a director, in 1891 vice president, and in i8(>4 president. In 1892 he w as elected president and treasurer of the Berwick KIcctrtc Ligh t Company, o f which he w as the fonndcr. In 1894 he was chosen president of tto Moun­ tain Grove Camp Meeting Associnlion. Tc same year he w as cScctc<) chainnan of the board o f managers of the Bcrxxdck Store Com(lany. Limited, which position he held until Slarch I . i8c^. In i8<;8 he was elected vice president of the I.agrangc Light & W ater Company, o f togran gc. 111. In 1876 he was chosen trustee of the Methodist Episcopal (‘hurch. o f Berwick, and in 1895 president of the board. In 1894 he liecame a trustee of the Young Men’s Christian Association. F o r ten years he was a mcmlicr of the lioard o f educa­ tion o f Berwick and served several terms as its president. In 1874 M r. Crispin was married lo M argaret Em ily Iackson. daughter o f lio n . Mordccai W. Jackson, whose sketch appears elsewhere, llt c y had children as follow s: M ordecai /ackson Crispin, see hclow. C hrcn ce Gearhart Crispin, sec below. H elen Jea n Crispin w as born Jan. 1 1, 1886. at Berwick. Pa. She w as a student in the schools at that place and later entered the National Park Seminary at Washington. I). C She finished her e^lucation at M rs. M errill's School, New Y ork City. She married Charles Bcland Owens Ju n e 8, 1 9 1 1 . Since this lime M r. and M rs. Owens have resided in Toronto, Canada, where M r. Owens is sccrctar)* and manager of the Canadian Pow ers Regulator Co., Ltd. T w o children have been born to them : Margaret Crispin Owens, liom May 17, 19 12, and Elizalieth Crispin Owens, liom Nov. 4, 19 14 . Charles ll. Owens w as born in M aysviltc, K y., Oct. 29. 18 8 1, and i.s a grad­ uate in engineering of the Kentucky State University, toxing^on. Mr. Crispin w as a Republican in politics, and took an active interest in the success of his party, contrjhuting much to its welfare. H e never aspire<l (0 office except in affairs, his varied business interests requiring all his time, energy and attention. H e was deeply interested in everything that tended to


(he benefit o f Berwick, and xvas an ardent supporter o f its educational, religious, finan­ cial and industrial development. M r. Crispin fully maintained the reputation of the Crispin family, which for generations has stood in this State for honesty and upright­ ness in business, for development in the high­ est d ^ r c c in church and caucatlonal matters, and for the greater growth o f its various in­ dustries. M r. Crispin died in Berwick Ju ly 3, 1903, and w as buried in Pine Grove ccmctcr>* in that city. .M ordkh a i J a c k s o n C » isriN, son of Benja­ min Franklin Crispin, J r ., was torn in Ber­ wick, P a., M ay 13, 1875. He attended the Berwick high school, and in September, 1892, entered Princeton University, trom which he w as graduated in June. 1890, with the degree o f Bachelor o f A rts. He w as employed from 1896 to 1901 at,th e First National Bank of Berwick, and with T he Jackson & Woodin M anufacturing Company. On Feb. 1, 19 0 1, he w as elected director," secretary and treas­ urer of the United States Metal & ’M anufacture ing Company, o f No. 165 Broadway, New Y o rk City. On Jan . 3 1, I<P7, he liccamc gen­ eral man.agcr. On Sept. 23, 1899, he was elected a trustee of the Crispin Cemetery A s­ sociation, lioinK sbu i^. Pa. In Septemlier, I W, he w as chosen a director of the First National Bank o f Berw ick, P a .; Ja n . 14. 1908, wa.s elected *icc president, and Ju ly 12, 1909, w as elected president. On June 7, 1900, he was married to Marie, daughter o f F . E . Brockwav, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. One child. Elizabeth Brockw ay Crispin, w as born Jan. 3, 1905, to this marriage. M rs. Crispin died Oct. 26, 1907, in New Y o rk City. Mr. Crispin, while a resident o f New York City, still retains Berwick as his home. H e is connected, in an importaut way, with nearly all its business interests and devotes much o f hLs time and attention to (hem. H e is Repiihlican in politics, and takes a deep interest in educational affairs. He has ser*cd as school director in his native city and is a director of tbe Berwick W ater Comimny. He is a di­ rector and vice president of the Em pire State Steel Products ( oinpany, o f Je rse y City, N . J . , director and Hcc president of the Berwick & Ncscopcck Street Railw ay Company, and a trustee of the Berwick Hospital. M r. Crispin is a memlier of the Society of Colonial W ars in the State o f X c w Y o rk, the Sons of the Revolution, the Society of the W ar o f 18 12, Veteran Corps o f .rlillcry. and