Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/665

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Fran k P. and Sarah (G u lick) Startzei. Both parents arc natives o f Northumberland county. Frank P. Startzei came o f German stock, while his w ife 's ancestry w as Scotch-Irish, H e was a painter and paM rhanger, and early in the sixties located at Danville, Pa., where he has since carried on a good business in his line. During the Civil w ar he enlisted for service in the Union arm y and served from 1863 until the close o f hostilities. Coming back home after his honorable discharge, he resumed his business cares. William Denton S u rtz c l received his educa­ tional training in the public schools o f his native pbce, and then went into the painting and paperhanging business with his father, thus continuing until 1905. F o r the next five years he was a salesman, and then in 19 10 was elected sheriff o f Montour county for a perioil o f four years, on the Democratic ticket, he being one of. the leading members o f his la r iy in Montour county. H is term o f office expiring in 19 14, he resumed his former occu])ation, painting. In 1897 ,Mr. Startzei married Viola Kced, o f Rush township, Northumberland Co.. Pa., a daughter o f J . Miles and Sarah (F ield s) Reed. M r. Reed is a farm er in Kush town­ ship. F ou r children have been torn lo exSh eriff and -Mrs. Startzei: Frank Reed, Jacob O rville and Sarah, who are livin g; and one who is deceased. Shiloh Reformed Church holds the membership o f Mr. and Mrs. Start­ zei. and he is a Blue lx>dge Mason (member o f Mahoning Lodge. No. 5(6, F . & .A. M .) and also tolongs to the M odem Woodmen of America. W I I X I A M G R A N T P U R S E L, joint pro­ prietor with Thom as J . Price of the lin v ille Structural Tubing Company, is one of the leading manufacturers o f Ebnvillc. where he has been associated with the rolling mills from the time he togan work. H e and Mr. i’ rice have had common intcrc.sts for years. Mr. PurscI is a native o f Danville, to m May 30. 1 ^ 3 . son o f Hugh and M ary .Ann (Lentz) Pursel, who moved lo Danville in 1845. Mr. Pursel's grcal-grcat-grandmollicr was an .Arnwine. and her brother w as a colonel in the EngHsIi arm y during the Ro'olulion. Jacob PurscI. great-grandfather o f Mr. Pursel, came to this region from N cw Terse)' .and w as the first settler in Frosty Valley. H is w ife was Jan e Hill. Hugh Pursel. son o f Jacob and Jan e (H ill) Pursel. was to m in 1800 in Frosty V'alley,

in Limestone township, lived in Frosty V'alIcy with his parents, and learned blacksmithing, which trade he continued to follow until some time after his marriage. H e worked at that calling in Milton, Northumberbnd and je rse y Shore, and while at the btter olace bought a tract o f 17 3 acres in the Nippenose valley, l.imestone township, all then in timber. Some time later he moved onto this tract, built a log house and bam, and started the work o f clearing, continuing to live there until 1845, when he moved with his fam ily to Danville. There he w as em­ ployed at his trade in Brandon’s blacksmith shop until the spring o f 1850. when he re­ turned to his farm m the Nippenose valley, operating same until his death, which oc­ curred in 1868. He married Rachel Childs, who w as to m in 1708, daughter o f John and M ary (G reg g ) (Thilds, the former an E n glish ­ man, the b tte r o f Scotch descent. • ,frs. Pursel died Sept. 15, 1850. T o M r. and M rs. PurscI were to m the following children: M ary Elizatoth married Thom as P erry, and toth arc deceased; Francis Bond m arried Elizatoth V an Dyke, and both arc deccajted: Rebecca Ja n e married Frank E v e rlu rt, and toth are deceased; Joseph Nevrton. deceased, married P riscilb i J w i s . o f Buffalo. N. Y . : Hugh married M ary Ann Lentz, who is de­ ceased : Agnes Jam ella is the widow o f I.ampert V an Dyke, and makes her home at Williamsport, Pennsylvanb. Hugh PurscI. son o f Hugh and R achel (CThilds) Pursel, w as to m Aug. 9. 18 3 2 . at N orthum torbod. in Northumberbnd county. Pa., and passed his childhood in the N ip pcnosc valley. Limestone township, com ing thence with his parents to Danville in 18 4 5. Before that he had assisted with the fa rm work, (he family living on land which the Pursels had cleared. When the “ big m ilt’’ was built at Danville he found emnloyment there, and he continued to work at that’ plant and in other rolling mills until 1905. since when he has lived retired. H e w as one of the promoters and a stockholder of the C o ­ operative Iron & Steel Company. H e has a l­ ways tocn faithful to his duties as a citizen, and served as member of the council of the borough fo r six years. M r. Pursel m arried Mar>' .Ann T.entz. daughter o f John and Catherine (WclshansV I.entr. and grand­ daughter o f William W'elshans. o f I.vcomtng county. P a., where the W'elshans fam ily w as lo c a t^ for a considerable period. Mrs. Pursel died M ay 2T. 1906. at the age o f sixty-fou r years. She w as the mother o f six