Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania, Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical Record of Representative Families.pdf/689

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COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR COUNTIES a fte r term to the present, with little opposi­ tion. A s such a record o f loyal support would indicate he has raised the standards and im­ proved conditions, particularly in the township schools. M r. Evans has been cs{)ccially active in local histoiy and has interested the teachers and pupils in the gathering u f relics and rec­ ords. n recognition o f his activitie.s and zeal in this field he was. in 19 14 . elected the first president of the Columbia County Historical Society. On Dec. 30, 1902, M r. E van s married to Bertha Rees, daughter o f Benjamin and Louisa Kccs, at T aylor, P a. Three children have been born to them : Eleanor, Frances and Esther. H E N R Y P . F I E L D, Assistant Mechanical Engineer of the .American C a r and Foundry Com pany, was bom at Ixiuisvillc, K y., M ay 16, 1875. H is father, bom at M oravia, N. Y ., Oct. 27, 1839, later moved to Gallatin, Tenn., .and on Nov. 26, 1868. w as married to M ary A lexander, o f Dixon Springs, Tcnn. He was then engaged in the fam iing implement bus­ iness at I^u isville. K y., and afterw ards moved to Chicago, where he spent the remainder o f h is life ami died Ju n e 25, 1 9 1 1. The children bom to this union w ere: W illiam A ., who is the general superintendent of the Illinois Steel Company, C hicago; M ay, who married C harles I-anier, son o f Sidney Lanier, the well known p oet; and H en iy P. H cn iy P . Field attended the public schools o f I-ouisville and while a young man entered the employ of the Michigan Peninsular C ar Company, located in Detroit, Mich. H e was transferred to Berw ick A pril 1^, 1899, after the organization of the American C a r and Foundry Company, and is now in charge of (he mechanical department as assistant to Jo h n M cE . Am es, of the N ew V ork office of the company. M r. Field is a member of the Berw ick Club, the N cw Y o rk R ailw ay Club, and of the various bodies o f Masons, and a past master o f Knapp l.odgc. No. 462. H e is a Democrat, and a member of the Episcopal Church. H e is a director of the First National Bank o f Benvick and the president of the Berwick and Ncscopcck Street R ailw ay Comjiany. On Oct. 24, 1900, M r. Field w as im rricd to Katharine E .. a daughter o f Frank R. Ja c k ­ son, whose sketch appears elsewhere. T hey have one child, M ary A lice, who was bom N ov. 10. 19 0 1. T h e Field fam ily comes from a long line o f N ew England ancestry and the A lexander fam ­


ily arc of the oldest o f this country. Captain .AIc.xandcr, grcat-granUfalhcr o f M r. Field’s mother, w as one o f tlic heroes of the Revolu­ tion. S T E R L I N G W. D IC K S O N, the eldest son o f R ev. Jam es and Jeanette Dickson, was l)0m al Birmingham, Allegheny Co., P a.. -Aug. 18, 1858. H e came to Berwick when ten years old and entered the employ of the Jackson & Woodin M anufacturing Comjiany at the age o f fourteen, remaining with them and thcir successors, the American C ar and Foun­ d ry Company, employed in various positions, for thirty-five years, acting as paymaster dur­ ing the last twenty-five years o f that time. He w as married M ay 14, 1884, to Lillie E . Baucher, the youngest daughter o f David and Rachel Dauchcr. W'hilc working for the con­ cern namc<l he studied law, and w as admitted to practice in the courts o f Columbia county in the month o f December, 1886, and at the present time is senior member of the law fimt of Dickson and Dickson. H e served as di­ rector of the jioor in the borough o f Bcrivick for a jieriod o f six years, and on the school board fo r the jicriod o f six years, acting in the cajiacity o f president and tfeasurer of the board. H e w as also president of the board o f trustees of the Young M en’s Christian A s­ sociation for fifteen years, and it was under his administration iliat the addition to the A sso­ ciation building w as constructed, including the gymnasium. A s a member of the S u t c com­ mittee of the Young M en's Christian Associa­ tion M r. Dickson has a jiart in directing the State-wide activities o f this institution. H e has been president of the Berw ick Savin gs & T ru st Comjianv since its org.anizacion in the year o f 19 0 3; for ten years has acted as secre­ tary and treasurer of the Berw ick Land & Improvement Comjiany, and in that capacity laid out a plot o f fifteen hundred lots at the time of the organization of the borough o f W est Berwick, and is at the present time presi­ dent o f that company. H e is an official mem­ ber of the Methodist Ejiiscojial Church, having served fo r twenty-five years. Mr. and M rs. Dickson have two sons, Con­ w ay W. Dickson and David C. Dickson, the fom ier o f whom is associated with him at the ircscnt time in the practice o f law, and the attcr now a resident of the State o f Oregon. CoNWAV W. D i c k s o n w as horn Aug. 14. 1885. at Berwick, son o f Sterling W. and L illie E . Dickson. H e attended the Berwick public schools, from which he gradiialed in 1903 as valedictorian o f his c la ss; cntereil