Page:Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties (1915), vol. 1.djvu/9

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In the preparation of this history of Columbia and Montour counties the publishers have been guided by several factors, the principal one being to record facts. In this vicinity of quaint legend and marvelous incident it is perhaps quite natural that writers of the past should have yielded much to the temptation to romantic narrative. Pains have been taken to revert to the unimpeachable records of the early times, which are still available to investigators, and for verification of the statements in the present work we direct attention to files of newspapers of the period in question, and other records to be found now in the Bloomsburg and Danville public libraries and the courthouses of the two counties, as well as in the archives of the Columbia County Historical Society and in private homes.

An important feature of this work, in which appear items of history which would be preserved in no other way, is the genealogical record of many of the families of this section whose ancestry were instrumental in the building of the Commonwealth and this portion of it in the days of settlement and trial. The utmost care has been exercised in the compilation of these family records, and in nearly every instance the biographical sketches were submitted to those immediately interested, thus affording ample opportunity for revision and correction.

In compiling data for the history the publishers have had the assistance and supervision of the following residents of this division of the Keystone State:

In the history of Columbia county proper the matter prepared by a representative of the publishers has been reviewed by George E. Elwell, of Bloomsburg, who also supplied the Bench and Bar chapter; the Bloomsburg chapter, including the industries, churches, organizations and the first account in permanent book form of the Bloomsburg Centennial; and much other matter that has been used in the proper places through the body of the work.

The detailed and authoritative account of the electric trolley and lighting systems which cover both counties was supplied by A. W. Duy, Esq., of Bloomsburg. The story of the building of the Catawissa railroad was written by Charles E. Randall, of the Catawissa News Item. The interesting narration of the founding and development of the great car works at Berwick was written by the district manager of the American Car and Foundry Company, William F. Lowry. The article on the establishment of the first Methodist congregation in this section of the State, the history of the Berwick Water Company, Berwick Store Company, and of the Y. M. C. A. of Berwick, are from the pen of F. A. Witman, of Berwick.

The material for the chapter upon the medical profession of Columbia county was supplied by Dr. L. B. Kline, of Catawissa. The matter for the article on the highways and roads of the counties was furnished by Arthur M. Clay, district superintendent of the State Highway Commission, stationed at