Page:Historical and biographical sketches.djvu/408

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404 INDEX. Davis, Billy, 397. Davis, John, 275. Davis Joseph, 275. Davis, Septimus, 275. Davis, D. Webster, Corp., 319, 342, 344, 398. Davis William, 49. Deane Silas, 69. Dean Joseph, 77. Decameron, first edition of, 157. Deer, 239. Defence, cuntribution.s for, 248. Defenseless Christians, 168. Dehuff, Abraham, 275, 278. De la Plaine, James, 49, 55, 218. De la Plaine, Nicholas, 49. Delavall, John, 33. Delft, David Joris of, 21. Democratic Convention, 312. Democratic Societies, 85, 86. Denithorne, John, 315, 319. De Ries, Hans, 25, 159. Deroff, Abram, 398. De Voss, Jan., 54,179. Dewees, Adrian Hendricks, 35, 36. Dewees, Cornelius, 56, 218. Dewees, Dr. William P. 56, 283, Dewees, Gerhard Hendricks, 35, 36. Dewitt, Simeon, 80. Diehl, J. W. 355. Dietz, Magdalena, 17. Dietz, Stephen, 17. Dilbeeck, Isaac, 17. Disciples, Church of, 289. Dock, Christopher, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97. Dock, < 'hristopher, Hymn by, 148. Dock, Christopher, works of, 89, 98. Doeden, Jan., 45, 50. Dokkum, 26. Donens, Peter, 185. Doopsgezinde, the, 22, 159, 169, 177. Dordrecht convention, 28, 205. Dors, Herman, 54, 55, 219. Dotzen, Madame, 207. Dracht-n, 26. Drill, 326, .331, 363, 385, 388. Dubois, Solomon, 57. Duck.s, 239. Dungwoody, Richard, 211. Dunkers, 92, 164, 167. Dnnkers at Ephrata, 164. Duplouvys, Jan., 41. Duponceau, Peter S. 86. Dyer, Serg. William A. 322, 398, Eachus, Owen, 319, 372. Earliest preachers, 46. Early, Greneral Jubal A. 339,340. Eben, M. 167. Eckerlin, Israel, 227. Eckley John, 246, 247, 248. Etiquette, 187. Ehrenfried, Joseph, 172. Ellicott, Andrew, 80, 81. Ellis, Daniel E. 398. Emergency, 315. Emigrants, siifFeririg of, 191. Emigration, cost of, 188. Emigration to Pennsylvania, Mennonite, 176. Engle, Paul, 48, 52. Ennis, Robert, 398. Ephrala, Dunkers at, 164, 165, 167,[225, 226.