Page:Historical ballad of May Culzean (1).pdf/3

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And I'm a Knight of wealth and might,
" Of Town lands twenty-three,
And ye's be the lady o' them a',
' Fair May, if ye'll gae wi' me.

Excuse me then, she said Sir John,
" To wed I am owre young,
Unless I hae my parent's leave,
" Wi' you I dare na gang.

But he's taen a charm frae aff his arm
" And stuck it on her sleeve,"
And he has made her follow him
Without her parents' leave.

Of gold and jewels she has taen
Wi' her five hundred pound,
And the bravest horse her father had,
he's taen to ride upon.

So merrily they rod along,
Made neither stop nor stay,
Until they came to the fatal place,
Which is called, Benan Bay.

" Light down, light down, now May Culzean,
Light down, and speak to me,
For here have I drowned eight damsels fair,
And the ninth ane ye shall be.