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Sullivan Bay, 2Gth Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—England.C. Sign—Rule.

Garrison Orders.

The presence of the officer of the clay being at all times indispensably requisite in the camp, he is not, on any pretence, to quit it without the knowledge of the Commanding Officer. The comfort and appearance of the military depending much upon their cleanliness, The Eight Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty were pleased to admit a certain number of women to accompany their husbands on the present expedition, for the purpose of contributing to that end, by washing for the detachment. The Commanding Officer therefore directs and appoints the following women to be so employed, and in the following manner, namely:—The wife of William Bean, pte., to wash for fifteen persons; the wife of George Carley, pte., to wash for fifteen persons; the wife of James Spooner, to wash for fourteen persons; and as an ample supply of necessaries has been sent out with the detachment, he will not admit of any excuse for their appearing in a dirty, unsoldierlike manner, discreditable to themselves and to the corps to which they belong. The different packages and cases in which the marine stores and clothing are contained, are not, on any account, when emptied, to be destroyed or converted to any other use without the approbation of the Commanding Officer. The detail for duty.

Sullivan Bay, 27th Oct. 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Melville.C. Sign—Cochrane.

As it is evident that the care and propagation of live stock is of the greatest importance in an infant settlement, the Lieut.-Governor hopes he need not suggest to anyone the necessity of preserving what has been landed, but that there may be acquired as speedily as circumstances will allow a stock competent in itself to supply the settlement with animal food, he is under the necessity of directing that no part of the live stock belonging to individuals—sheep, swine, goats or poultry—be slaughtered or exported from the settlement until further orders, without his knowledge and approbation. A return of live stock in the possession of individuals of every description, to be delivered to the Commissary immediately.

Garrison Orders.

The detail for duty only.

Sullivan Bay, 28th October 1803.

General Orders.

Parole—Direction.C. Sign—Order.

The prisoners being now distributed into gangs under superintendents and overseers, who are to be accountable for their labour, they are