Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/58

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50 EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. from which hour they will not be employed for the public again until Monday morning. The Lieut.-Goveruor, observing that not more than half the convicts attended the performance of Divine Service last Sunday, thinks it necessary to inform them that he expects the attend- ance of every one who is able to appear; and that if they neglect this necessary duty, he shall direct the Commissary to put those who shall absent themselves upon two-thirds allowance provisions for one month. Garrison Orders, Detail for duty order. Sullivan Bay, 9th Dec. 1803. General Orders. Parole — Excursion. C. Sign — Western Port. Garrison Orders. One sentinel being withdrawn, the picket will not mount again until further orders. Detail for duty. Sullivan Bay, 10th Dec. 1803. General Orders. Parole — Arthur Seat. C. Sign — Good Look-out. Garrison Orders. The Quartermaster will not in future issue the daily allowance of spirits to any of the detachment who may be under medical treatment. The detacliment will parade at eleven o'clock to-morrow in the forenoon for the purpose of attending Divine Service. Sullivan Bay, 11th Dec. 1803. General Orders. Parole — Berlin. C. Sign — Bengal. Garrison Orders. Detail for duty, and an inspection of arms and necessaries. Sullivan Bay, 12th Dec. 1803. General Orders. Parole — Expectation. C, Sign — Success. Garriso?i Orders. The quarter drum for the retreat will beat at a quarter before seven until further orders. Detail for duty.