Page:Historical records of Port Phillip.djvu/84

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72 EARLY RECORDS OF PORT PHILLIP. and very cheap. The Flagstaff and Governor's House are situated on the S.E. side of the harbour, which has a long train of battery by the side of the hill. The houses are very small. We observd a large convent from the town. Before the town is a small Island calld Quails. Fugo. One of the Cape de Verd Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a volcano, and burns continually. You see it very plain from St. Jago. It is much higher than any of the other mountains, and seems to be a single one at sea. The Portuguese who first inhabited it brought negros with them, and a stock of cattle ; but now the chief inhabitants are blacks, of the Romish religion. Friday, 27. Wind N.E. a.m. — Moderate and hazy. p.m. — do. wr. Saturday, 28. Wind N.N.E. a.m. — Light breezes, made and shor- tend sail occasionally. At half-past 11 read the articles of war to the ship's company, and punishd Edward Westwood, a colonial marine, with twenty-four lashes for neglect of duty — sleeping on his post over the convicts, p.m. — do. wr. Sunday, 29. Wind N.E. b. N. a.m. — At daylight a brig in sight to the N.W. ; light breezes and clear. At 10 musterd by divisions ; half-past performd Divine Service. Whit Sunday I dind w^ith Capt. Woodriffe, Col. Collins, p.m. — do. wr. Monday, 30. Wind N.N.E. a.m. — Light breezes and clear, p.m. — 2, do. wr. ; at 8, continual lightning ; 35 past 9, squally with rain and lightning. Tuesday, 31. Wind S.E. b. S. a.m. — At 4 light Avinds with rain and lightning ; at daylight saw a sail S.E. ; 15 past 8, spoke The Telegraph, belonging to the Honble. the East India Company ; down jolly boat and sent an officer on board; we sent letters by her to England; she came from Bengal bound to England with dispatches ; at 12, fresh breezes and heavy showers of rain. p.m. — Continual hard rain ; at 7 more moderate. Wednesday, 1 Jime Wind S. b. W. a.m. — At 7, light airs^ inclining to a calm. p.m. — do. wi Employd variously. Thursday, 2. Wind S.E. b. S. a.m. — Light airs and clear, p.m. — Employd variously, the Ocean in company. Friday, 3. Wind S.W. b. S. Ther. 83. a.m. — Moderate and clear ; at 9, musterd the ship's company at quarters, and exercisd the great guns and small arms, fird several shot. p.m. — At 4 light airs with rain ; at 6 caught 2 dolphins. Saturday, 4. Wind S.W. b. S. Ther. 84. a.m. — At 9 moderate and clear ; at 11 observd a very large waterspout to the north, dist. 4 miles ; at half-past rain, with a fresh breeze, p.m. — Clear wr. Sunday, 5. Wind, S.E. a.m. — Fresh breezes; at 11, squally, with rain ; at half-past 9 musterd at quarters ; 10, heavy, dark weather, could not do duty to-day. p.m. — do. wr., clear at intervals. Note. — Between the entries of Thursday, the 26th of May, and that of the next day, two pages are left unwritten on, on one of which is given a curious sketch of Praya Bay, &c. ; and on the other a sketch map of the track of the Calcutta between the Cape de Verd islands. [C]