Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/143

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government sanscrit college.

ed Sanscrit Scholar, has been appointed Secretary to the College, with an allowance of 300 Rupees per mensem. The superintendance of the College will be vested in him, subject to the control of the Government Committee of Public Instruction, the object of whose appointment will hereafter be more fully described.

It does not fall within the scope of this work to detail more particularly the course of study and the system of discipline which are to be pursued in the Sanscrit College. What has been said above will suffice to give a general idea of the purposes of the Institution. The regulations are moreover likely to undergo alterations as experience may suggest new arrangements, after the operations of the College commence. That as little time as possible may be lost in effecting this desirable object, a house has been hired for the use of the Institution, until the new buildings shall be completed; preceptors have been engaged, and other preliminary arrangements made.

The principal object of the College, as has been already stated, and as will appear from the