Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/170

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calcutta school book society.

be calculated to enlarge the understanding, and improve the character.

4.—That the attention of the Society be directed, in the first instance, to the providing of suitable books of instruction for the use of Native Schools, in the several languages, (English as well as Asiatic,) which are, or may be taught in the provinces subject to the Presidency of Fort William.

5.—That the business of the Institution be conducted by a Committee, which shall comprise a President, 4 Vice Presidents, and 20 Members, (10 of them being Natives,) to be annually chosen at a general Meeting in July; who shall associate with themselves, as Members ex-officio, a Treasurer, a Collector, a European and Native Recording Secretary, and a European and Native Corresponding Secretary, with as many other Secretaries as the Sub-Committees it may be expedient to form shall require.

6.—That all persons, of whatever nation,'subscribing any sum annually to the funds of the Institution, shall be considered Members of