Page:History, Design and Present State of the Religious, Benevolent and Charitable Institutions.djvu/174

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calcutta school book society.

The Reports of the second and third years exhibited the operations on a more enlarged scale, and showed a considerable increase in the list of subscriptions. The literary exertions of the friends of education were even more conspicuous, and the ingenuity of philanthropic individuals, seemed to vie in promoting the objects of the Institution. Among the remarkable and difficult works announced in these Reports, are the preparation in Arabic of some of the Books of Euclid, and a compendium of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry by the Reverend Mr. Thomason,[1] and several useful elementary works in Sanscrit, by the Reverend Mr. Yates.

The question of the result of the Society’s labors during the three years which had elapsed, is thus answered in the 3d Report:

  1. The unwearied and benevolent exertions of this Gentleman in the promotion of every Institution, having either the relief of distress or the diffusion of education and morality for it’s object, are too well known throughout India, to be particularly dwelt on here, but it would be an act of Injustice to mention his name, without further notice. In a work professing to describe those Institutions, to the success of which his talents, learning, and extensive charity have so largely contributed.